Oil rigs.

I’m trying to find a job on one, and at first I thought it would be simple, but I cant find any companies who hire rig pigs or anything. Any information is appricated. None of this bull crap about how working on rigs sucks. I’ve heard it a million times.

It is a tough time right now for the oil patch. All this rain and a slow down of activity means less jobs. I have alot of friends that are rig pigs that are either sitting or found jobs in other industries. If you want to make quick cash, housing is where its at. Unskilled labourers are getting $18 an hour framing.

It is slow now, just gotta do a little waiting, or more looking.

its starting to pick up lately. are you looking to get on a drilling rig or service rig? any thought about working another service? cementing, wireline, snubbing etc…?

Ever think of working up north in the diamond mines?

I’ve thought about the dimond mines, but havnt looked into it much. know of any comainies hiring?

what type of position are you looking for?

don’t go into concrete, it pays well, but your the bitch of…well everyone, super grunt to say. Try coil rigs, i’ve heard it’s alot easier and less dangerous…

yup. coil tubing rigs are the shit. trailblazer is a good company. they are based in red deer. my friend works for them. makes about 7 grand a month. my company is looking for a few people. if you are interested in wireline. pretty slack for the amount of money you make

call around whitecourt
shit is poppin off right now
just say you will pass a drug test and then bam! employed.

I’ll call trailblazer and see whats up. I’ll be around Banff next week and driving to red deer wont bother me to much. As far as diamond mines go, I’m not really sure. I just want a job that pays well, and will allow me to earn enough money to come back to BC and invest a little.

I’ve been wondering about this kind of stuff too. I’m planning on coming out to Alberta for a year after high school.
What should I look into if I want to make the most money possible with only my high school diploma?

This is going to be paying my university :partyman:

if you want days off for sure go drilling rigs. you work 15 on 6 off usually. the first 15 is day shift 12 hours a day, 2nd shift is night shift. if you dont mind working the whole winter with a day or two off here and there go work service rigs. they are smaller, maybe easier. but the days are usually really long. “what we dont get done today we get done tonight” :drinkers: drilling and service rig workers make about 4-8 grand a month. depending on what your job title is. and during spring break up you will be off anywhere from 4 weeks to 4 months. so its really risky in that sense. if you want to be making money all year long i would go wireline. its super easy, 15 on 6 off. make about 50-75 grand a year. most of which is made in the winter. or go snubbing and make about 80-100 grand a year. you wont have much of a life though

or go snubbing

Sorry, but what’s snubbing?

I don’t care if I don’t have much of a life for a year, as long as I can build my s13 and afford tuition. :shrug:

snubbing is the most dangerous job in the patch. or most consider it to be anyways. you bolt up to a well head and you “snub” pipe in and out. what makes it so dangerous is that you are always working in really high pressure holes. and you are up a little basket and if something blows your a dead man. snubco is a pretty big company out of nisku. there are a bunch more as well up in GP

Drilling rigs are good for getting into the oil patch then when you get some experince at that go to a service company ie drilling fluid,directional drilling or centrifuge hand ect. Avoid service rigs unless you like being covered in oil all day and standing out in the open all winter. Trailblazer would be good if you are not into working hard there is not much to do on a coiltubing rig but if you are looking to do other things in the oilpatch after rigs coiltubing does not allow you to learn much. If you are serious call drilling companies like Phelps, Trinidad, Nabors, Ensign and Percision. Now is not a very good time to be lokking as things are a little slow.

Hard work doesnt bother me, I’ve lived on a farm for my whole life. I just want the most money possible, safely.

service rigs arent all that bad. depends on the crew and everything. coil tubing rigs arent bad if you liking scubbing all day long