who stayed up last night to watch Bloodsport?
I watch that horrible fucking movie everytime it’s on, it’s like my tv won’t let me change the channel.
who stayed up last night to watch Bloodsport?
I watch that horrible fucking movie everytime it’s on, it’s like my tv won’t let me change the channel.
My tv would have. My TV would have begged me to change the channel. Its the boyfriend and roomie I would have had to fight off with a stick. Must be a guy thing.
yes i did. frank dux ftw.
Ok usa
What’s cable/satellite tv?
haha…I didn’t but if I knew it was on I would have watched. lemme guess spike TV
the VS network channel 60 on comcast @ something like 3 in the morning
haha, we actually watched it at my buddies apartment
“kickboxer” was better
both equal twat wrinkle
I have it on VHS somewhere and don’t even have a VCR anymore :LOL:
Yes, I watched some of it until I passed out
or i prob would have too
i fell asleep watching it last night,
It’s like a car accident, you know it’s terrible, but you can’t help but watch it.
haven’t seen it in ages but always watched it when it was on tv lol
Slow motion, super zoomed in closeups of faces when you are knocking dudes the fuck out FTMFW
chong lee > frank dux
:owned: ?
It was on vs yesterday!!!
I watched most of it… I agree with not being able to turn it off though, like a curse.