Ok, Long Distance Relationships...

Was with my ex for 4 years.

He moved to Pitt with me.

He moved back to Buffalo.

I was 18 at the time.

I don’t drive either.

I dumped him eventually.

The End.

Not worth it

listen, it’s an easy situation

just be together when you guys are in town at the same time ( like holidays , vacation, summer ) and be seperate but friends when apart

if its meant to be it’ll work, if not… well at least ur meeting new chicks :slight_smile:

yes, lay the perverbial pipe all over town.

actually, like most relationship issues debated online, it really comes down to one thing…naked pics


tell that bitch to ge ther fucking license. I hate bitches who don’t drive. I hate bitches that “can’t” drive even more.

word, i would never date someone who didnt drive. I am not a taxi.

Aw that makes me sad.


what makes me sad is stupid comments.

long distance relationships can work. they depend on the level of commitment you have to eachother. if you have it, it works. if you dont, it fails. each person has to have it, and if either is lacking, it fails.

it is possible to make them work if you really like one another and are super dedicated to making it work out.

when i was in high school i was trying to date this one friend of mine in toronto…but it didnt work due to time, age difference, and distance added to the mix…we just ended up being friends…

word…enough said

yeah well

ive already been tied down before when i was 16-17ish

it was alright

now i’ve layed my pipe in this town and the next…even in different states

I really wanna stop and somewhat settle down, due to some circumstances such as: sleeping with friends g/f’s. Making enemies, cause i hooked up with their g/f’s. Worrying about stds, and pyscho chicks…which a few people on here can vouge for me having quite a few of those.

plus this girl is amazing…downright amazing

and good news… shes only 35-45 mins away…in the most western part of rawchesta.

meh i think im gonna atleast go for her…if it doesnt work out, or drama and bitchiness ensues… ill just fuck her over hardcore…like spreading nakie pics around, and shoving the tat in her face to show her whos boss.

Of course a cleveland steamer could always be in order :slight_smile:

I read up to the third post… read this… and relized I didn’t have to read anymore…

lol Adam you in a longdistance relationship


hahaha isnt she a little old for you anyways?

lol don’t worry Brian and I will save you

At least someone is going to spread nudies of the x… cough cough newman…

No YOU stfu asshole.

Don’t like it then go to the barf and be a dick over there where it’s cool.

Ok…I take back the immature comments now…my roomate walked in the house and was screaming at me for no reason… excuses excuses blah blah I was just pissed… my bad.
But no need to make stupid comments about stupid comments, eh? Ahem.

glad that one got resolved so quickly :stuck_out_tongue: