ok, so im sort of a sick fuck

omfg :rofl

i one on my car too

Funny you bring that up, the new buick is a clone with some obvious enhancements. We still have the jump car too :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Hahahaha nice… We tried the same thing with a Saturn but let’s just say it only jumped once… Those Buicks are fucking tanks

haha nice, that jump was nuts, most fun i ever had…period

oh and the deer pusher, shits badass people look at me like im fucking retarded :lol:ahh:retardclap

kinda how people look at me with my lime green steelies (snow tires :Idiots )

Thats badass.Now go hit some deers!!!

oh wow LOL at the jump vid


funny you say that, my friends jeep is called the poacher, i used to call this thing the stalker, but i renamed it to cp rail :lol:lol

i saw you on 90 today , hahaha got a good laugh out of it. Good shit man


what were you driving?

update: cow catcher no longer exists, went through a deep pothole/small pond and it caught a chunk of pavement and destroyed the thing :’(

I saw it in the parking lot without it and was like :wtf

weak exscuse …they have a thing called a welder fix it right meow

lolz, its completely inverted…i might end up making just some tubular brush gaurd so i can still hit deer, i kinda ran out of cool ideas.

reinforce it this time. Fill the bars with concrete if theyre hollow.

weld travs old car to the front of it