ok, so im sort of a sick fuck

and did up a deer catcher on the front of my buick. :lol



20 bucks says you hit a parked car before you hit a deer… i’m just sayin!

on a more serious note though, it looks lik eit belongs on train tracks, not on the road! put a single headlight on it and i’ll scream everytime i see it

^ LOL @ the scream every time.

Dude that came out really good :lol

Looks like it still needs some reinforcements and we might have to make removable bars for the windshield, I didn’t realize the angle the front had, it will definitely pick up a deer and throw it right into the front window :lol

Wayne is scared of trains.

Why something happen at a young age with two guys?

blow me

thats what he said? :rofl

okok…ill stop. i have go anyways.


Jon, I’ll buy you a single round light for the front if you will install it in place of the hood ornament.

nah, it will snap if said deer, hits it. put it under the train front splitter

Also, serious question, is this legal? Does it need running lights on it? Not that it matters, we can careless, but it would be nice to know. BTW, its not easily removable, it’s welded to the sub frame :lol

lol @ front splitter

LMAO @ welded on. carry a sawzall just in case.

Paint it pink

You might be a redneck if…

can you make me a front lip for my S14 just like that? :slight_smile:

That would be sick to see drifting around :rofl

Actually last night Jon (gatville) comes flying into the drive way, hit the parking brake, spun it around and sliced clean a chuck of a snow pile, it was like a freakin knife cutting butter :lol

rof i cant wait to see it in person tom night

im all about that lets go