Ok, there is plenty of IT people here... get in and vent

uh huh…

Dell checks your credit for business accounts, i have a business credit card from dell, it reports to Dun & Bradstreet.

oh i see what you mean well the owner of the company would be doing this not me, i don’t own the company i just need to know what is good to order thats all as far as server wise goes



Anyway - We have an assload of Poweredge 2650s, 2950s and 1950s. The latter two are for our VM solely. They’ve been great and when needed (only once since I’ve been here) the techs that they send out to us (unisys) actually know what the hell is going on.

Sherm keeps harping on me to recommend bladeservers but at the bandwidth a couple of our systems use we’d overwhelm the bladecenter.

We are running all our servers (with the exception of 1 DC and a couple random servers) off our SAN, if that makes any difference to you.

Anyway - funniest thing :

“Hi, Howie? I don’t know why, but my blackberry is not working anymore.”

I go over and take a look - i take it and it looks ok, but I notice some moisture in the screen.

“Has this been immersed in water or something?”

“No? why?”

Open case, check litmus paper, completely red, on the battery, and the case.

Take a whiff - smells like coffee.


How would you over whelm the blade center?

The C Class HP blades have Cisco Switch modules you can put in them…

You can trunk the ports…no issue.

It’s amazing the calls you get in IT. Some people shouldn’t even be allowed near anything that plugs in.

That being said, some of the supporting IT staff that I work with are so horrible with customer service, they shouldn’t be allowed near another human being.






you are obviously just mad that I know more about computers then you do. Its okay, someday you will catch up :wink:


hahahah i spit my beer all over my laptop here lol

you always make me laugh tom

Not working in IT, and being decent at it.

Computer where i work on the sales floor running dog as shit slow.

Ctrl+alt+delete, task mangler, processes, hmm, keytrack2.4 using 64,000 mem. turn that off, and a few other programs that i dont want seeing me.

Five minutes later IT guy walks up.

It guy1:Uhh did you turn off a program on this computer.

me :yea I did becuase it took 10 minutes to boot up this peice of shit becuase of it"

it guy1: Oh, it runs fine on the other ones.

me:OTHER ONES? Why on earth do you need a key log tracker on everyones computer?

it guy1:So we can monitor if people are doing anything bad.

me:So you see all my mistypes, backspaces, numbers AND CREDIT CARD INFO?

me:Yea, bring your boss over here right now.

Itguy1:I have to call him.

me: I dont CARE DO IT!.

wait 10 minutes.

It Boss: whats the problem.

Me: The problem is you have a key log tracker that records peoples names, Credit card numbers, addresses and personal information, social security numbers.

Boss: we wouldnt use it for that.

Me: thats not the point, you have one corrupt IT guy in this place and hundreds of people get there indentity stolen, how do you not see that, PLUS that program eats so much memory and slows down the computer enough that I went to find it.

Boss: your not supposed to alter the programming in any way.

Me: I will when peoples lives, money and integrity are at stake, plus I dont need you knowing all my passwords too.

Boss: where are you going with this?

Me: Im going up the ladder and your coming with me, this is NOT ok in the least.

Boss: I cant i have work to do.

Me: Bullshit, your coming with me to my biggest boss and we are dealing with this NOW.

Go to my largest boss in the building

Me: Hi mike, I got a problem, these guys put a keylog tracker on all of our pc’s to make sure we arent doing anything bad, yet they can read and see all of our customers names, addresses, credit card info and SS info.

Mike: Holy shit really?

Me: yes

Mike: to the IT boss, Is this true

It boss: yes buu


Mike: I have to call the AT&T guys and tell them that this has been going on for the past(looks at IT guy) 3 YEARS??? JESUS Ohhhhh

Mike: I need to know who told you to put that program on there

IT guy: uhh this guy

Mike: Who reads them?!!??!

It guy: me and these 2 guys.

Mike: Your all gonna be in MY office tomarrow with the head of AT&T and the head of Sutherland to discuss this.

Yea, Big overhaul on the computers the day of.

BTW we run

Old dell optiplex machines

P3 2.4 ghz
XP Pro with 256mb of ram. omg sooo slow