Ok, who is the idiot that crashed his WRX on Sheradin this morning?

own.t :lolham:

You should have him tell you the Carlie Manson story. One of the funnier ones i have heard. Trading

Sherm’s all mad now, he would have bought a WRX if he knew them made them for people that can’t drive stick too. :lol:


P.S. What did you wind up buying again sherm…?

someone get me the seats out of the car :stuck_out_tongue:

lol my DD saturn was stick…I got a DD tiburon thats stick also…

My go fast car well thats :snky:

someone post some pixxx

crack is whack.
so 80’s

edit: id actually like to see pics of the crackhead owners of this car.


Did you inherrit a Hyundai or did you actually buy one? :rofl:


yea wait a minute? u bought a tiburon? WTF

I got a deal on 03…I needed a daily driver…I was driving a 1994 SL saturn before…I will probbley drive this for a year then look at a newer used 3 series for a DD.

I still have another car…

v6 or i4?

i4 its just a dd

who is the idiot that can’t spell street names? :slight_smile:

:lol: @ sherm, he’ll never change

X… :snky:

I will tomorrow. Our compys were fubared all day today.

So any idea what’s going to happen to the car?

Edit: I need to learn to read.

I didn’t see 6 cars, only the two in the lot. But SI01 is a salesman and I’m a tech, us techs have ACTUAL work to do, the salesmen can stand there all day and look at the traffic :smiley:

Burrrrnn…but soo true.

xmshadow who?