Ok, who is the idiot that crashed his WRX on Sheradin this morning?

my :snky: is so awesome it give blowjobs.

:snky:, super :snky:

I Love Lamp!

The long overdue pictures.







Child seat :bloated:




The murdered tree.


And they left the busted out passenger front window uncovered.

One of the other salesman covered it with a garbage bag and duct tape, but that blew away and the car is now partially full of snow.

fucking waste of a nice car.

god damn shmucks

christ, they’re lucky it wasnt a mature tree.

drive it into the lot eh? :tup:


I was impressed as well.

I’m not sure to be unimpressed because it looks so anticlimactic, or incredibly impressed because it looks so anticlimactic. :gotme:

Is anticlimactic a word?


At least he left someone a perfect parts car.

Wow. I swear I detailed that thing maybe 3 months ago…:gotme:

I’d “lol” if the airbags would have deployed while driving it into the lot.

When I had my white WRX I went into a highway divider at 90+ in mine spun it around 6x. Walked away… I was lucky. That was back in my stupid days.

The car needless to say was very totalled. Both crumple zones front and rear were flat… Passenger compartment held its integrity so well that I was able to push open the door and walk out.

The cop said that he was expecting to pull a body out… He asked me If I needed an ambulance… checked me out briefly and wrote me a ticket for imprudent speed.

i saw said carnaged rex in northtowns parking lot all fucked up last night :eek:

i shoulda snagged me them seats :wink:

dooo it

Hmmm so what would it take for me to get the front right caliper bracket/slides off it. :slight_smile:

Yep im mad snky…I don’t daily drive a the tib its a race car…

NA FF FTW :tspry:

front of car doesnt look too bad…s101 take that motor…put it in the 2.5RS and you will have one of my top 10 favorite cars on NYSpeed…seriously, i cant believe you didnt think of it already