Okay. So you like WEED and CAYENNE'S ...


lol:baby: mine might be “slightly” incorrect.
at least you dont have to read it like this and you arent reading for like 5 minutes without a pause because someone doesnt understand that there are parts of the english language which dictate a pause or a break in between words which do not coincide due to the fact that they are not in the same sentence and therefore there should be a clear signal to the reader which indicates places where thoughts end new ones form without punctuation however those pauses do not exist and you are forced to read all monotone and long winded because the author was incorrectly using a language which we speak everyday and will continue to unless the chinese takeover the world which is highly unlikely cause they couldnt build an army if they were paid cheaply to do so but sentences like these are cool because its like the highway and there is little pause to slow or stop i like the highway because it rarely stops i do not like reading like this though because it is all long and stuff

couldnt have said that anymore better :clap:

You guys are crazy…

Weed and rainbows are two of the coolest things in the world!!

I like the seats minus the pot leafs, but the rainbow stitching looks ok

oh yeah…love it :slight_smile:

Ughhhh whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy???

that thing fucking rules.

no it doesn’t.

man, there have been wayyyy worse monstrosities built at “custom shops”, you guys should stop bitching and get back to work :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh, that isn’t nearly as bad as it could have been.

Proof that money can’t buy taste.


Porsche Cannabis Turbo S :tspry:

The gauges. What.


The stitching throughout the car is impressive…The look of the entire vehicle is beyond hideous.

how did I know

Was going to put ‘ib4newmansaysitrules’ in my post too…damn it!

they actually put out some very clean cars. dont let the pimp my ride affiliation throw you off. they also no longer work with mtv.


Get the sand out of your snatch, your grammar is also horrible.

Anyways, ok fine obviously the rainbow in our culture stand for gay pride. Why does anyone care anyway? He obviously made it this way because he likes it.

to each their own :tup:
However the wheels are pure sex IMO.

Reggae is incredible when you just want to relax.
Color=Culture not gay, some of you are fucking retarded. I just wanted to point that out…