Okay. So you like WEED and CAYENNE'S ...

don’t know that i would have went as far as to put the two together though.

This Cayenne Turbo was built for Sean Paul (rapper/reggae artist).


Holy fucking lame.

wtf such a nice suv and nice wheels. but god i hope the custom shop that did the interior threw up after they had to destroy such a nice suv fuck i hope this was a creation of westcost customs i would expect something this gay to come from there at least.:picard::gay:

This is one of many reasons why you shouldn’t smoke pot…



just one more reason to show how much of an utter failure sean paul is.

and calling him a “raggae artist” is probably worse then justifying the interior of that truck.

So…He’s gay?


since u obviously dont own a spell check, i thought i’d help you. Parenthesis are around the punctuation/spelling errors you made.

–and i dont capitalize my “i”'s while on the internet either, so i won’t punish you for that

i can’t say i’m not an advocate for weed, but that’s just retarded.

interior is crazy looking

so he’s gay and smokes pot.

isnt he like 17 years old or some shit?

The reggae colors could have gone way worse than it did.

No thats Sean Kingston

dude, did you read what you wrote…

u= you

Don’t rip on someone’s writing if yours isn’t perfect either.

that sucks

BAHAHAH epic fail:whip:

that porsche now sucks, that’s too bad.