Okay, who does the lookback?

i do it.

You know it. I always look back to see if you started only to discover you just finished… :wink:

is what it is kid ,as long as i get off ,it aint my problem ya cant get off in 20 seconds

Every time.I often catch myself in the act.

No. It isn’t going anywhere.

I’ll see it just as well when I come back to it…

yea to make sure it doesnt roll into oncominh traffic

LOL thats what I say. “not my fault I beat ya to the finish line” I look at that shit as a race.

E36 owner here, I must be in clear view of my car at all times.

That is all.

thats so ya can get out of your car ya fluffy bastad

i do the bareback, but never the lookback


i think its just programed into our dna!

I used to do it a lot more with the Jetta, looking at the Eclipse just depresses me, but I still do the double take on her. Doesn’t matter who’s car I’m driving either, I have to look back.



I do it all the time with my cars & bikes. I even do it to my beater cougar, mostly to see what else is falling off the front end and make sure the hood is still latched.

Definitely guilty… when i was rollin the four it was more of a “stalk” back though, cause i’d be staring for like 5 minutes.

Nope I could care less if the car is still there when I get back

You’re all homos.

Coming from king queer thats an insult


Jesse has literally tens of polos that have pink in them.