old iphone question

hello everyone, i currently have an AT&T plan with unlimited txt’s and things like that for 20$ more a month and like 500 shared minuted with my mom,and brother. I have an LG shine. My friend wants to sell me his old iphone and i wanted to know some things.

  1. Can i switch my number i have now over?

  2. Would i be able to have the same unlimited txts/plan with that, or do i have to get a special plan?

  3. if so how much a month more then 20$ would i be spending, pic messages included?

  4. would i need a new sim card etc when i switch over?

any help would be great.

Hokay So…

Yes number transfers thats easy.

Automatic additional 20 dollar data plan but you get to keep your unlimited texts.

Yes you get a new sim card, that you can obtain from a store, and they can transfer your numbers over there too.

Anything else?

and No you cant not have the data plan, its always there.

so basically all i have to pay is 20 bucks, get a new sim card, and i can send unlimited txt’s and pics? for no extra charge…because i want to ask my parents but they will say no and i want to do this behind their back. ha

well aside from the fact that the iphone 2g doesnt send picture messages.

the rest yes, and you cant do this behind your parents unless your an authorized user on the account which i doubt.

And then theres the setup on itunes which can be a lot of fun.

hmm, its now a maybe…and i guess i have to ask them… thanks for the info much appreciated!


One thing I wish the iPhones had :frowning:

What does it do if someone sends you one on the iPhone?

lol you have to find a computer and go to a website to retrieve the picture. It’s about the size of an emoticon and uses flash so you can’t even save it nor view it ON the phone (not that you’d want to, as it’s so small).

:fail: I wonder who’s bright idea that was. The phone should be MORE than capable of sending/receiving MMS

This is THE biggest complaint I have with the iPhone. The amount of money you spend a month and the capabilities of the phone make it utterly ridiculous that you cant send and receive MMS.