UGh im sure it has been asked a million times (phone carrier Q)

I’m considering jumping ship to att for the iphone. Currently I have Verizon.

CAN I KEEP MY #? (crucial)

Anyone else make the switch recently? +/- ?

I’m sure they can answer all this when I go to the store tomorrow, but any info and personal testimonials prior to walking in there… well, would be great.


yes. bring your current bill to make things easier. if its not in your name, bring the person whos name it is in.

everything is in my name with verizon… as a matter of fact i’ve been out of my contract for the past 3 mo. now trying to decide what I want to do. So… i’m not locked into anything ATM.

So what your saying is yes… the number will transfer?

you can do anything now.

yes, your number will transfer.

AWESOME! the number transfer thing is critical. I’d hate to have a new number after so long… what a hassle!

I’ve hemmed and hawed for so long now over the droid but I think i’d be happier going the iphone route. We’ll see how happy I am tomorrow after hitting up the att store…

Oh and yo this is a stupid ass thread. My Q has been answered you might as well lock it up.


oh and yea, im pretty sure it hasn’t been asked a million times because more or less everybody knows it. (well, not everybody obviously!)



I’m usually completely oblivious until I personally need to know things… that’s just how I operate!

Don’t feel bad, I called sprint yesterday and asked them if when I get rid of them this week to get the droid, I can keep my number. Ha.

I switched from VZW to AT&T a couple of months ago, don’t regret it at all. The only place I haven’t had service so far was inside a fire hall in Springville/Boston area. Otherwise it’s been fine, including a 16 hour drive from Kansas City to Buffalo. I had reception the whole time, usually 3G. For me so far it’s been the same at VZW in that reception has been a non-issue. Actually I get a bit better reception inside the lecture halls at UB with AT&T. With blackberries or Samsung WM phones I wouldn’t get a signal, with my Nokia and AT&T I usually get at least a spotty signal.

Is there a way to keep your number if the bill isn’t in your name…?

Yes and get a discounted or free data plan if you PM GeeHee

NYSpeed perks :tup:

^ lol :tup:

But that would involve me going back to verizon…hmm

Free VZW Data plan ?

lz im going to kick you

yeah just pm him and he will hook you up