old school uaw guys

Its not all unions.Alot of construction unions are private.The shit your thinking of is some goverment and plants. Im in the electrical union for local 41. I dont get shit handed to me.We have a 5 1/2 year apprenticeship with school from sept to june. If we dont work we dont get paid. Today for instance is thanksgiving. We do not get paid off,or any holiday or sick day for that matter. We dont get vacation time PAID.

Yeah i guess all unions are horrible.No paid days off ever sounds like a great deal

Oh and like mech madness was saying about the 3 union electrical guys, Those guys were probably the plants union electricians and not local 41.Local 41 does work in erie county.We are contractors like Frey,Ferguson, and IPL.

The uaw is a huge piece of shit and gives a general bad name. Iv worked in those plants.Most of those people are lazy and think they deserve the world.There “electricains” are worthless

Being a UAW worker for 11 yrs sadly I cant really argue alot of those claims. There are alot of lazy and like described " the world owes them something people out there" I’m referring to tonawanda engine and sadly I’m sure I’ve been a guilty party in the past. I’m 100% not anymore.
The unions basically are there to help the lazy, spoiled people out there. There are a few times when the union is good don’t get me wrong. My wife was having surgery one afternoon. I had let my foreman know a few days before hand and that I would be leaving at lunchtime. Well His boss comes upto me that day and tells me I can’t leave because they are short. I tell HER that I dont really care and I’m leaving at lunch and she better jump on the line because I’m not going to be there when it starts back up. Long story short she was going to try and get me fired for voluntarily quitting and walking off the job. I was there approx 2 yrs and had never been written up or called in sick even!!!
Dont get me wrong most of the time the unions are dealing with the losers and basically they have to, but they do still have a purpose but sadly not much.

Unions are just private gov’t with handouts…

Spam16V…is this Eris you are talking about?

I understand the hate… but doesn’t anyone find it ironic that the same people in government that complain about unions (Republicans) take advantage of the same benefits that you guys are complaining about. Sure the old school UAW member is upset that he has to pay something for medical benefits, but Republican and Democrat congressman both do not have to pay a cent for medical coverage. Seriously people, are we hating that they have better benefits than us and better representation? Should we aspire to have the same benefits and representation as unions? I personally have never herd of any politician deny their pension that they did not contribute to, or better yet say," you know what, I don’t want this free healthcare that I get being a congressman, that is socialist, I would rather pay for it out of my pocket."

So far hasn’t Ron Paul declined his pension? I know I’ve heard that alot, not sure how true it is though. I know Ron Paul believes healthcare should be separate from employment, where that leaves him on his free healthcare I dunno. My 2 reservations on Ron Paul are his belief that the the gold standard is the answer to the Fed and the fact that he’s been in the system for so long. How could you be in a system you oppose for that long and sleep in a den of what you perceive as wolves?

My broad concern is how in EVERY debate or conversation people always come back to the republican or democrat, liberal or conservative crap. Those are buckets or categories based on OPINION not fact. Till we can get the turds out of the bowl and stop allowing career politicians to remain in office I’m afraid nothing will change. We need middle class representation in the government! If someone says we are in the mix through voting I just may have to use the ignore function. LOL

we were suppossed to work yesterday and today, but something got screwed up, the guys were pissed, they lost out on triple time

Funny, I was just thinking to myself how lame it is, the huge holiday pay the entitled (often union guys) get. Everything in my mind these days keeps coming back to FUNDAMENTAL VALUE for some reason. I can only see reality and no longer see things as most others do. There is no reason in hell to justify 3x pay…NONE! Maybe I’m just getting old. The irony is that I have no intentions of having kids, so I’m not worried about my own seeds and their future. LOL

yeah i know what ya mean, 3x pay isn’t heard of anywhere else as far as I know, I’ve received it before, sometimes I feel bad, but thats what GM and the UAW negotiated (I’m not a UAW member)

I’m not judging and I’m not saying don’t take it if it’s there for you. I’m just saying it’s not sustainable and sustainability is the main issue I have with unions and pay negotiations. :slight_smile:

no doubt^^

Wow, not many people know that he declined it. Which he did in fact do when he took office many many years ago. Back before everyone was going crazy about how unfair their benefits are.
He also said that if he’s elected as president he will be paid no more than the average American’s salary. I believe he said 38,000.

How could he take less pay then they are offering? That would be interesting as hell. I’m inclined to vote for him despite him being part of the system. His opposition to the Fed has my attention. He’s a pretty straight shooter in any video clip or interview I’ve seen of him.

I’m reading “The Creature from Jekyll Island” at the moment. I just finished 2 other books and am diving into this monster…man it’s thick as hell. We’ll see if I can pick up anything new from all these pages. :slight_smile: