Old Skoolers Should Appreciate This...

XP Minimal-Requierement-Test

The target of this project was to find the weakest system where you can run Windows XP.
Have in your mind, that Microsoft official requiering a CPU with 233 MHz an 64 MB of RAM.
But that had to be beaten!

heh, that might work well for testing, but throw office on there and see what happens :slight_smile:

I had a feeling you would post in this thread… Hehehe… I can imagine how long it would take for that fucker to boot… And all the HD activity required… It’s a thrashing machine!!

A little game of Minesweeper and you start to smell the circuits burning up.

Fucking paint crashed my computer again

Were you drawing pictures of Linus Torvalds or something?

lol i bet that some of those take like 10-15 mins to boot.


nah if i tried it on that fucking thing i bet it would tho