Lets get it going boys!
Same Time (8:30pm)
Same Place
- Head (adam) Be there around 10ish
Lets get it going boys!
Same Time (8:30pm)
Same Place
woooo an hour drive
but ill be there and ill probably bring other east enders
i’ll try my best to be there, i’ll be bringing the civic, i just put a huge spoiler on it. it feels so much faster now.
I’m down if the rain isn’t too bad. prolly on my bicycle cause gas prices are officially huuuuuuuuuurting my money situation.
wow rory finally ur going eh, last time i actually met u in person was like when school was still on lol
if the storm ain’t here and if my car is okay then I’ll be there.
Hey Mark, I’ve actually gone the last 2 weeks. Haven’t seen you there. What the problem is??? lol Hope to see ya there bud
probably not. have baseball and my car had a run in with a guardrail. maybe
I’ll be there…
hey what time are u going to go?
Good turn out guys.
^yup, but it could always be better, there is always room for more