West End Meet Tonight?

Anybody going tonight?

Weather looks like it’s going to be beauty!

I’m on the fence as to go or not, I had a lot of stuff I needed to get done last night that mike’s broken ass S13 kept me frm doing :wink:

I should be there… but workin on the car again first.

damn what happened to mike’s S13?

i’ll probably make an appearance. it’s been awile…

-Rory (240sxxx)

I wish i could come tonight but i got my hardest exam evar tomorrow :frowning: Calculus FTL!!! I’ll make it out next week though.

i may be coming in with a few boyz. hope i see the regulars there or ELSE!

im just playn. good weather outside. dont be lazy and reach.

i hate you all, i showed at 9:25 and nobody was there :frowning:

LOL john if only u were there 20 minutes later … we all were there

Me and Dan showed up right around that time and appeared to be the first ones there, we probably just missed you.

I had to take care of a sick wifey then be home for a strict curfiew…i feel bad just picking up parts early on then soaring by on my way home a bit later… :cry: Sorry guys, Next time!

Ah so you was the driveby.

Well it was good to meet the usual faces and then some. Nice night.

Hope to see you out next Wed with the real whip :noes:

^^^^^^you do NOT want to see whats under the hood :twisted: trust me. But i got some kool stuff to show off that no ones seen yet! custom hood with eyelids welded and molded into the hood, sick strobes that i can control from my alarm and a few other little things that i made. Ill try for next week.

aye ya…strobes :shock:
i’m coming out next week guys. hope to have my toy on the road. everyone has been waiting very patiently.

strobes, woot hahahaha

I’ll probably come by next week.

First time out for the season. ALL of u better be there!

hey cal since ur coming out, im gonna have to come out for sure, i want to check out your ride before it is gone.

sweettt! finally dude, havent seen u in a long ass time, i look forward to meeting u.

where is this meet tonight ? I would like to come out also. :smiley:

It’s not tonight, it WAS wednesday.