Omen Speed Works - Is this guy Legit?

Agreed, just shady business shit.

This is one more example of how shitty this guy Damian’s customer skills are, how many more people have to go thru this?

How can someone like this still open up businesses in such a small town like Pittsburgh when we have numerous shops like JJ’s, 1st try, Hybrid, and Domination around who do great work and have great customer skills?


JJ’s too! lol

This is why pittspeed bugs the shit out of me, and people get annoyed when they show up at any sort of meet. Idiots like this who never got attention while growing up, letting out all their anger towards people for nothing they have control over. So hey, mr tough mullet man, go eat a dick. :finger:

Not really my problem or situation, but I’ll probably shoot damion a text and see whatsup.

x2…always great service and prices…just have to deal with some bald guy meat gazing quite a bit.

I would appreciate it!

ya know what bugs me? piece of shit business owners that fuck over people on this site. and the faggot noobs that cant stop slurping on their cock. you will be dealt with, my friend.

is this aka rooooooooooooookie

wow, deja vu. good luck on getting your stuff.

I was thinking about stopping in on this guy for some custom exhaust work.

I guess I’ll keep on going…

talk to jeff at 1st try for a custom exhaust

Thanks for the heads up. Someone else directed me his way too…

Jeff at 1st Try once welded a seam so nice, that baby jesus appeared, hovering over the rear valance of a 1968 Dodge Dart. He had a tear in his eye. They shared a bagel and joked about all of the people they know in Hollywood. It was a very tender moment. So not only has this man’s welding made baby jesus tear up, but he can return phone calls.


wow i do not know how to respond to that comment lol


:rofl: :rofl:

it was just a joke man. We both now Jesus fucking hates MOPAR.

um actually God loves mopar. Dont you remember “God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury”?