OMG!! My dad's truck is teh brokezors!!!

OK now don’t flame me or nething, but today I was driving my dad’s F-350 to move into my new house… I noticed that it was starting to overheat, so I bought a bag of ice and crammed it in the oil filler thing to cool it off. Now it won’t work, and he’s all pissed. Did I overheat it for too long?

you are a moron…if it doesn’t start at all I would go out on a limb and say your are screwed.

you think? damn.

(shh… i’m trying to get someone to post this on fifty other car forums…)


i broke my perants car today to. there was this green water comming out of the car, so i put my sock around it, and it got sucking into the hose, now the car doesnt run.


my turnsignal fluid was low. :dunno: