OMG New Apple MacBook Air

Apple already sells fruity covers.

i get my mac today :wiggle: :slight_smile:

Ughh i agree with theblue :eek:

I’m really not going to bother anymore. you have your head so far up macs ass its not even funny. Do you go home and dream of Wozniak and Jobs fucking each other and cumming on your face?

Who is this Mac character you speak of?

I don’t even use a Mac dude… I’m just saying if you think comparing a Mac and a PC/Windows is like comparing two of the same cars with different colors then your retarded…

You say your not going to bother then you continue insult me? Dumb ass…

ummm, actually… since mac is now on the x86 platform, he is technically correct. Aside from the mainboard, they are pretty much the same hardware wise. Just about anything you can get for PC, afaik, you can also plug it into a mac with no real problems as long as the OS has drivers for it.

edit: if windows will run on a mac natively (no emulation), then the hardware is obviously the same, or very similar

you guys are just jealous because the mac commercials are spanking your PC asses around.

I <3 MAC.

I personally don’t even care. I really just can’t believe people think that Macs have superior hardware. when you can BUILD a computer and toss windows on it or OSX and its the same fucking thing…

thats great if you suck and are tied to a desk all day

mac laptops are better, form, function, hardware, and they run any windows os with peripherals in multiple boots for different environments without partitions or conflicts

Well considering they can’t run any of the same programs (unless they have been ported) I would say they are pretty different, hardware aside…

Edit: ok, they can’t run any of the same programs NATIVELY

VMware fusion

well, thats just the file system (software side).

Who cares about the hardware if you can’t run any software?

What software can’t you run?

You realize the trend is hosted applications…

sounds like you are just taking your last shots to give you any kind of redemption to this arguement…

The trend? For who? Desktop users? lol

No… Thats not the file system.

Well for the person with dvd or cd rom drives… hosted applications would be spectacular

Very rarely do you see a processor incompatibility or what not with a program. This is something windows has always been good at where you can shove what ever hardware at it you want and the programs will run. Where as OSX oh shit you have an intel processor now. whoopsy this proggy will not work.

Of course this wont exactly be much of a problem anymore unless they decide to switch to a different proc

That’s not what I’m selling. They can keep selling them.

No for business…

What specialty apps do home users run? That doesn’t have a Mac counterpart?

Most home users surf the web/download music/word process…