OMG New Apple MacBook Air

examples? Thats really comparing apples to oranges (excuse the pun)

If you buy a cheapo $25 motherboard, it’s going to be a shitty product (or not as feature rich). You can also buy a premium motherboard that supports the latest and greatest technology, but obviously going to cost you more.

Apple keeps their logic boards proprietary and as a result, you can only buy what they offer. For a custom PC box… you can pick and choose to your hearts content (or what you can afford). There are budget lines of motherboards that will run a machine fine and get you on the internet/playing some games… and there are others with more features than you would know what to do with.

It’s like saying that a DFI motherboard is better than an Asus… it all depends on which models you’re comparing. That really goes for both desktops and laptops… are you comparing an apple notebook to a shitty e-machine laptop? or to an alienware or Dell XPS?

lol actually, speaking of which, I have OS X running on my PC along with Vista and KDE Ubuntu


I just listed a bunch of things that are better and you countered by saying you didn’t care they they are better.

no,I’m not going to research every chip on the motherboard… but I’ve worked with many laptops over the years and the difference is obvious once you’ve lived with a macbook for a week vs. a dell or sony.

my sentence was only incoherent because I said “then” instead of “the”, it’s fixed.

Why does this always turn into a debate?

because a compromise would require that the mac fanboys say they paid more for nothing extra, or the PC guys would have to accept that it’s a better platform…

neither will happen?

lol well, I’m sure everyone can agree that an Apple is a better platform for OSX/BSD, where the PC is a better platform for Windows/linux (maybe not so much the later or the two as much as the former)

done deal

no, the macbook is a better platform for windows also. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol if you say so

I’d put $$$ down that my box will put your macbook to shame in just about every test

:smiley: :beer:

I forget who, wired, tom’s hardware etc, already did this and found the mac faster when the same intel CPU is used.,136649-page,3-c,notebooks/article.html

Fastest: Apple MacBook Pro
The fastest Windows Vista notebook we’ve tested this year (through 10/25/07) is a Mac. Try that again: The fastest Windows Vista notebook we’ve tested this year–or for that matter, ever–is a Mac. Not a Dell, not a Toshiba, not even an Alienware. The $2419 (plus the price of a copy of Windows Vista, of course) MacBook Pro’s PC WorldBench 6 Beta 2 score of 88 beats Gateway’s E-265M by a single point, but the MacBook’s score is far more impressive simply because Apple couldn’t care less whether you run Windows

your box? how portable is your box?

yeah, I remember reading the article… was just playing mostly. It’s pretty clear that a notebook, even given the same spec hardware, is usually not going to out perform a desktop (notebook to notebook is another story)

your box? how portable is your box?

pretty portable I suppose. Just need to unplug it (although the new PSU is pretty damned heavy)

Ahh this old debate…

Yes Macs have suffered from lessened build quality recently. The old ibooks were tanks, thick plastic, metal underneath, and absolutely impossible to upgrade without complete disassembly. I have to say the new macbooks make me nervous with nothing but thin plastic, however they’re no worse than any Dell I’ve ever used. I’m pretty suspect of how well the Air will hold up to anyone actually taking its “road warrior” namesake to the test.

As for hardware, well, I will admit the prices are inflated like crazy…But there’s more to think about than “I’m paying $x for this hunk of hardware”. When I call Apple with problems or questions I get to speak to a friendly, helpful AMERICAN who speaks ENGLISH as their primary language. Try saying that about Dell. Also the stores are a plus, I’ve taken my Macbook in for service once so far. I couldn’t re-create the problem in front of the “Genius” (I hate that), but he recommended some service. It was fast, and they even cleaned the machine for me while it was in there.

So yea I paid $1300 for something that is likely comparable to other machines for a lesser price…But I’d do it again.

(Oh and ILCisDead doesnt like anything, so who cares what he thinks)

is the air supposed to have a metal case or plastic?

reason why I ask is that my iPhone (which is in a thin metal casing) makes me nervous lately (at least this time of the year). Not even thinking about it, I got out of bed a few days ago and went to check for missed calls and shit and ZAP got a fucillio HUGE electric shock from the static build up (fleece/flannel blanket).

I honestly thought it might of destroyed the phone but so far so good. I just make sure it ground myself before picking it up now. Even with a rubber case, it still stung pretty good and in a package that tiny, it can’t be too hard to fry a chip or smoke the flash HDD


So I have an idea for the MacBook Air that would make a mint. Anyone want to invest some money in it?

A $50 item that would sell like hotcakes. :slight_smile:

a huge dildo?


Ummm nope…
Something gimmicky that Mac users would go ape shit just to have.
I see the trends. Actually easy to predict Mac users. Really funny how predicatable most Mac users are.

No… You can’t put OSX on both, not without some lame hack. Even so, your reasoning is fucking retarded… I am talking about the operating system itself not the hardware…