OMG New Apple MacBook Air

actually you install ONE pice of software on ANY PC or MAC and you can use that machines CD DRIVE wirelessly


Easy there fanboi. Just pointing out a simple fact.

don’t tell dave he bought one! lol

Dave didn’t get it, I just talked to him. He’s pretty pissed about this new thing

thats good to hear. pissed about what new thing?

I’m not a techno buff by any means at all, but from my casual obvservations, I’m not so sure Apple’s recent success in COMPLETELY due to marketing. I think a lot of it had to do with advances in technology elsewhere in the industry. For example, a few years back, a dabbled into the recording and production industry, and a Mac computer with ProTools on it is now a staple in every recording studio. ProTools is made for both PC and Mac, it jsut so happens that the Mac is better suited fro the program. same goes with graphic design and video programs. Now that you don’t need a full mixing bard and a tape machine to record music, or you dont need a full graphic design studio, or a full film studio as you once did, a lot more people are getting into these areas, and the Mac is just a better suited computer for it. So, the more people getting into these fields, whether it be at a amateur or professional level, the more people are buying Macs. I guess you could accredit it more to the development of software and user interfaces, and Apple was just kind of along for the ride because they happened to have the better equipped system. for that use. Even now, rarely do you see a lot of average people buying Macs to use as personal computers, most people still use PCs, and those that do have Macs usually have them for the above reasons.

Now, as far as iPods go, yeah I would have to agree that a lot of the sucess is based on marketing. Back in the day when this whole concept of MP3 players like the iPod first came out, Apple seemed to be the first one out with the iPod, and they just plugged it and plugged it to people until it caught on. Once it did, they were the forerunner in that market niche and others have tried to follow.

now, i could be completely wrong here, but thats just kind of how i look at it. if someone would like to correct me, please feel free. oh, and the AirBook or whatever its called seems pretty neat. dont think i’d ever get one, but its still a neat concept.

So many people here are so fixated on features or tech-specs that they don’t see the big picture.

The Air’s appeal is in it’s size and weight, which come at the expense of some tech-specs (obviously). Apple still offers the Macbook Pro for those who need the tech-specs, incase you forgot.

The Air was clearly designed to be a SECONDARY machine - meaning your desktop is where you will do most of your movie-ing, power computing, etc. If you need/want to use a notebook as your primary machine, the Air is not for you.

I currently use a 24" iMac as my primary machine, so I think the Air would make for an excellent choice for a second computer - much more so than my 17" dell laptop. If I had the cash available, I would be all over one of these.

I wouldnt get too worked up about the batteries, my iphone has had the best battery life of any phone I have ever owned, and with Applecare on either product, they will replace the entire machine (or the battery) on the spot. (First year of applecare is free)

And FWIW Steve Jobs was just named the most powerful man in business (FORTUNE), and I’m betting its not because of slick marketing and pretty packaging.

Aside from Apple, he is the largest individual shareholder of Disney. That could have something to do with it as well.

Then your an idiot.

So if I install DOS on a PC and compare it to a Mac it shouldn’t matter because its just a different OS.

you’re not pointing out a fact, only your ignorance.

It could - but it is not even mentioned in the article. Its not about money, its about power.

and to think apple fired him all those years ago

haven’t you been quite the mac endorser lately

I endorse macs I have no need for this…

I would just get the Mac book and be done.

LOL saw this and thought it was pretty funny

Pixar is a driving force in the movie industry along with disney/miramax and whatever else they own, he has more effect over people than he does with apple.


The Hardware can be the same between the two. Its the packaging and motherboard, which is just name difference cause they want to call it “logic board” that makes it different.

so you could take the same MAC and PC and put DOS on them both. You are able to put windows on both, and you can put OSX on both.

Head density diminishing yet?

you make it sound like they use the same quality hardware just because they are both using intel chips… where other companies have used cost down to make them cheap, apple has really gone the extra mile in most cases and it pays off.

stupid things like the DAC and OP amps are so good in my macbook that I can power my grado 225 headphones and get great quality which is never going to happen on most other laptops…

other stupid but important things I love off the top of my head: the intelligent battery, the instant resume from standby when I open the lid, the magnetic power cord, the built in isight camera…

Mac has cheapened also. Both Operating systems (windows XP/Veester, OSX) can essentially run on the same hardware.

I’m not a sound guy so I will let you have this one, but I’m sure there are sound cards out there that are comparable in quality.

Operating system functions. Intelligent battery - XP has software comparable called speedswitch. Instant standby might just be an OSX thing, I don’t have the trouble waiting 2 seconds for my computer to be ready.

+1 thats nice, but I am careful with my laptop so its not really a big deal for me

other companies have the same idea built in. whether you can install OSX on those laptops and make it work I haven’t a clue. I don’t use the camera thing other than the initial boredom with the funny filters and what not

sounds like you’re just arguing that the 10-20% macbook hardware is doesn’t matter to you.

fair enough, but it’s still better hardware, and much better hardware/software integration that’s only possible when you write the software for your hardware.