OMG New Apple MacBook Air

nobody is fighting… just a little debate.

which = A logic board is the Apple Macintosh equivalent of a motherboard.

do you know if they use 3rd party chip sets? lol I could imagine seeing a VIA or Intel logo somewhere on there

ouch… I would of assumed that they would of at least given them a break on the price. Hopefully it’s a one time deal, although as long as you have the required software, I don’t see why you can’t use an Acer or something else a little more affordable. I wonder who the got their pockets lined to give the ok on that

Edit: nm, not even worth the time I spent reading the thread.

Nope. Preconfigured system with a 4 year warranty. Pretty loaded up though. But a hefty bill to add to your tuition. And if they have their own, I believe it doesn’t matter (or you have ot put up a good fight).
They get discounted prices, but still have high standards of computing to meet.

I was expecting an updated MacBook Pro!!!

damn you steve jobssssssss…

haha, Mac threads always turn into this debate. You all suck. Shop for the operating system that best suits your needs and quit bashing products that you DO NOT know ANYTHING about


for those still pitching the price argument - why don’t you take a look at what Leopard costs versus Windows, or how about Office vs. iWork?

lol, who actually buy’s OS’s? :smiley:

and OpenOffice FTW :slight_smile:

but, back on what I was saying earlier about industrial software, it looks like things are starting to shift to OS… good news for Apple. Solidworks looks like they’re trying to get their foot in the door

might get one for work :pimp:

after trying to get OSX running on PearPC on and off for the past year, I’m going to try this later tonight.

It would be great dual booting OS and Vista



Three pages in and I’m the first one to note that this thing DOES NOT have a user replaceable battery much like the iPhone and iPods do. Sure you get “5 hours” of battery life but what happens when I’m flying to Amsterdam to see my sister? Halfway through the flight I need to break out that paperback book. No thanks. I’ll pass.

Um, its an ultra portable. You are buying it… to be ultra portable. Why buy a 3lb laptop if you want to lug around another 3lb battery?

and it three pages that’s the worst argument against apple so far. I’ve done a lot of transatlantic flying, you’ll never want to watch more then 5 hours on a laptop and even if you did you car just plug in and charge while flying on more and more airlines these days.

thats one of my biggest gripes with the iphone. I already notice that it’s not holding a charge like it used to when I got it back in August.

I’m sure there are 3rd party companies though that could do it for you, but it would be nice to have 2 batteries on hand for quick swapping on the go

People realize that part of the tradeoff to the non replaceable battery is that it allows the overall device to be MUCH smaller. That is why Apple goes with that form factor, not because they are trying to be a pain in your butt.

No ethernet? No optical drive? 1 USB Port? for 1800 bucks? Apple sucks.

you buy the regular macbook/pro if you need more features you tard. this is all about getting a small, yet powerful form factor.

You can get it with Apple USB Ethernet Adapter and an External DVD drive…

And if you don’t like it buy a regular mac book like theblue said…