March 28, 2005, 3:45pm
PDM 300ZX Conversion Lines $85.25 US x 1.25 = $106.57 CAD
$106.57 x 1.07 GST = $114.02 CAD
$114.03 + $19 shipping = $133.02 CAD Total.
Shipping rates have gone up a bit due to the cost of natural resources (ie. fuel). This has affected many industries and businesses world wide.
Bloody hell! $19CAD S&H for a pair of SS lines.
Yeah, and if they ship UPS, expect a $53.81 CAD brokerage fee as well…grr.
I’m with ya on the shipping cost insanity these days, especially UPS from over the border.
March 28, 2005, 4:58pm
No brokerage from Canada->Canada. I know cuz I didn’t pay anything
when I got my sways/etc. last year.
I ship brake lines for 10usd and customs will be under $25.00…
Choice is easy.
My mistake, because it was a dot-com automotive site, I figured U.S.
So what makes the shipping high here I wonder then? Things packaged poorly, the package labelling, taxes? Fuel?? Who knows…
March 28, 2005, 7:19pm
My mistake, because it was a dot-com automotive site, I figured U.S.
So what makes the shipping high here I wonder then? Things packaged poorly, the package labelling, taxes? Fuel?? Who knows…
Guys at PDM are awesome. I’d buy from them again if I had to, but
this S&H price just threw me off. I put the order in sometimes mid-last
week so hopefully it’ll be here soon.