On ramp 1, Cobalt SS 0


Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking about buying a low RWD car in this part of the country. Family, friends, even the salesman at the dealership looked at me crosseyed when I told him this would be my daily year-round.

Now into January and the car is fine. My only worry is other people sliding into me.

If you love something enough, you’ll make it work. Go for it bro if it’s what you really want.


remind me not to buy that s2k. Iv never seen one of them in the winter, dont ya think theres a reason for that?

asking price is 22 not 18.

  • 1600 in tax

if your payn for school why arnt you driving a beater?

i better see many sets of tire tracks leaving your neighborhood if you get this.

Brian the accountant over here :facepalm What are you using your student loans for again? Civics? :lol

I’m not getting that orange one from Denooyer as it’s way too overpriced and they won’t wiggle much from the 22k dollar pricetag. I found a few other LS2’s with about the same mileage for THOUSANDS less, even before any haggling.

I need my Cobalt back before anything happens, so I’ll worry about the exact goat I am getting then. I won’t settle for anything less than perfect, even if that means waiting until springtime.

RWD is fine in the snow, almost everyone against it in this thread HASNT DONE IT.

no, Im not.
A built up sleeper shitbox Fairmont would be sick.

Theres one thats really quick and has a turbo but unfortunately its got a Chevy motor.



Paul just because you don’t have the hand-eye coordination doesn’t mean you have to bring others down with your depressive mentality.



nothing to do with coordination at all. Rwd muscle cars suck cock in the winter.

Im not depressed either. Maybe a little bored but thats it.

Why, because thats what everybody else talks you into believing?

My cousin in Ireland owns a Vauxhall VXR8, and we used that as our bar-hopping rig when I was there a few years ago back in February.

And OMG THERE WAS SNOW ON THE GROUND! But we still got around just fine, and anyone who’s ever been to Ireland knows that it isn’t the flattest country on this lovely planet of ours.

The whole “rwd sucks in upstate ny/winter/snow tires suck” isn’t something that I will ever buy into, sorry.


Nobody’s talked me into it. I know from experience.
Ive driven my Mustang in the winter. The first winter I had it I drove it well into January.
I even drove it today and it was spinning the tires just on the road salt with moderate throttle application. I cant imagine what it wouldve done with snow or ice on the ground.
Its just not something Id want to drive all winter.

Ive driven 2wd trucks in the winter and made it thru ok but they didnt have any kind of balls like a Mustang or GTO.

RWD traction in snow has very little to do with power.

yeah it does. Something with 125hp (my S10) wont spin the tires as easily or get sideways as easily as something with 300+ hp (Mustang, GTO, etc).

I guarantee if I put the same tires on my Mustang that I had on my S10 it would get alot worse traction.

Are JClark and I the only ones who paid attention in physics class?

I never had to take a physics class but that seems irrelevent anyway.

If muscle cars are so great in the snow why do most people put them away for the winter?

Sentimental value.

EVOs and STi’s are fucking fantastic in the snow (from what i’ve been told, anyway) and people garage those as well. So your statement is, as usual, null and void.