One day old Camaro.

Nope I would start to not like you :rofl

thats not that point moron. he got hit by SOMEONE ELSE WITH NO INSURANCE. so hes making a claim on his own policy. :banghead

He’ll be fine, the car will most likely be replaced with a brand new one considering its “age”, he’ll pay his deductible and his insurance company will go after the asshat who did it to get his deductible back. I’m not a huge fan of this new GM either but its still a shame, wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

did him a favor… :rofl

and is it just me or do those wheels look nearly identical to the ones on an rx-8?

yeah dude… i fucking hate when people let their shopping carts roll into my car. Keep those things in check you fuckers!

Doesnt look like speedy dry, or any kind of fluid, or any mixture of fluid. He probably had groceries in the back. I’m guessing that was the 2% for his cereal he never got to use.

some srs shit