One last blast before Stabill

I had a half bottle of spray and got a case of the fuck its. So I went out and did a quick blast. I can’t spray out of the hole since my clutch 3 year old Stage 4 won’t hold it. New clutch, more suspension and maybe a dual stage for 09. Thanks.

wow that looked extremely unsafe

Didn’t look like a safe road for it but damn does that thing move. Nice car.

It’s a long open two lane road thats all buisnesses on the side. It’s always empty with cars on the weekend. Not one person was in back or in front of me.


Pot meet the kettle…
Lets go back to tift.

nice man good ending to a season!

Sounds sweet,how big of a shot was that?OK never mind i see its a 200 shot.

ur car sounds mean as fuck! sweet!!!

sound’s good!, wish I had a telephone book to sit on:mamoru:

that streetlight went by quick lol


my car doesnt sound like that :frowning: