One of the largest Professional Sports Scandals evaR


You know how I know the NBA is in serious trouble?

One of the largest pro sports scandals could be unfolding… and no one cares. :bloated:

Anyone following this?

NBA referees’ competency has always been criticized. After three high-profile negative stories in the last three months, the questions have shifted to their credibility.
One official was suspended after allegedly challenging an NBA superstar to a fight, and an academic report suggested a bias by referees against players of the opposite race.
Now, most damaging, a referee’s at the center of a potential point-shaving scandal.
With the FBI investigating Tim Donaghy for allegedly betting on games that he officiated, confidence in the guys blowing the whistles may never have been lower.

Ref betting on the game he’s ref’ing >>>>>> Pete Rose.

Sorry had too, but for some reason this doesn’t suprise me.

lol. it’s so true… I don’t even follow the laegue anymore. Too many whiners, potheads, meatheads, and overpaid-overhyped-overdosed kids without guidance.

But a scandal is a scandal.

wait… what sport are we talkin bout here ??


Off the field professionalism:


i agree with that list nikuk :tup: nice work haha


TV ratings:



sad but true, MLB and NBA are the biggest wastes of time, ah well… NHL and NFL are my only list :stuck_out_tongue:

couldn’t agree more. :tspry:

more waste of time is MLS

I saw the live news conference with Stern on ESPN around 11:30am today. This could be big. If the Feds get this guy to roll, I have a feeling other refs will be implicated.

NBA = :crap:

thats the impression i was given by a friend who watched it. Hence the thread…

i was looking to see if anyone had any more info or cliffs on the “official statements”.

ya. i meant to post this… i watched in this afternoon on sports center. pretty outrageous if you ask me.

When I was a kid, I would watch the great Bulls teams. Jordan and the rest.

Now, I can’t even force myself to watch five minutes of an nba game.

I was watching one, I forget the team, but their jerseys looked like clown costumes, and the court was decorated like a rainbow with advertisements all over it.

The game has lost alot.

Yeah, I’ve heard about this.

Stern and the NBA, potentially a massive reffing/betting scandal
Goodell and NFL players shooting up nightclubs/dogfighting/possessions and discipline
Selig and refusing, then changing his mind about being present for Bond’s breaking the HRR, possibly the BIGGEST record in American pro sports…

Bettman, ruining the new NHL? :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:

What is the NBA? Seriously… I used to be a huge fan back in like 98-01 then it all became stupid.

Who cares, NFL training camp starts Thursday, and college football will be ramping up in 2 weeks… Nobody will be paying attention to the NBA.

tru indeed rick