One scary motherfuckin bug!!!

No, no, no, no. Fuck this thread. I’m leaving.

Chi City is hilarious. You ever seen his McDonalds clip? Go find it lol.

“Damn. I’m gona f my walls up!”

“You came to the wrong mother f’in crib doo.”

That spider and centipede are both creepy. I’d scream like a 6yr old girl if a that thing came running at me at 30mph screamin.

I wanna see video of one screaming.

I do, but I don’t.

Chi city reminds me of Singh for some reason.

I can see him doing the same exact thing to a bug on his wall.

Did you know the arab desert dudes catch, cook and eat camel spiders

Kill it with fire.

How do you think he got rid of that lizzard?

that thing is fucking disgusting looking. i would scream like a bitch if i saw one of those. seriously. i wouldn’t kill it, i’d burn my house down for fear of more of them.

Same here…:lmao

You wouldn’t have to worry about that…camel spiders (which actually aren’t really spiders, hey are solifugids but like spiders, they belong to the class Arachnida.) are very afraid of humans, they run up to 30 mph, but the other way, unless you are sleeping or completely still they won’t come near you, I did wake up one time in Iraq and looked over to my buddy next to me who was passed out with one on his shoulder. He def freaked out when he woke up lol.

But for the most part they are harmless other then a flesh wound that will heal up, they def can’t kill a human. Over there scorpions are something I would worry about more…trust me, I was stung by one while I was out there, not a good time! I was all sorts of fucked up, puking my brains out for like 3 days nonstop.

Oh one other small fun fact about the camel spider…if you kill it…you better burn it and quick, if you just step on it or squash it somehow, it lets of a pheromone that attracts all the local camel spiders! Witnessed that first hand lol.

What. The. Fuck.

I pray to God I will never be near enough to one that I would have to worry about burning it, nor would I have the balls to squish one in the first place.
I am a real girl when it comes to bugs. I had a huge beetle in my office and refused to go back in there until it was found and destroyed.


Camel spider bite. Gross.

Wow, didnt know that one. That would be creepy lol.

that is really fucked up. bring a plumbers torch EVERYWHERE with you over there!

just think most people cant run any faster than 22mph and even at that prolly only for a 30 minutes tops without stopping to breath, in other words your a dead man when it spots you.:ahh:ahh

  1. Who do you know that can run 22mph
  2. Who do you know that can run 22mph for 30 mins
  3. Camel spiders are not deadly

I’ve heard from a few that they don’t bother humans and a few stories that they would follow soliders and stay in their shadow to keep out of the sun


No one can run 22mph:retardclap:Idiots and they aren’t deadly