Onijdm Swap Issue

Then why did you perform the swap? If you cant give the job a garantee of the work being done properly you shouldnt be doing the work at all. If the wiring harness was all messed up he should have replaced it its about 150$ for an uncut one.

Other then that with all the fair warnings you gave sajed he should have looked else where to get it done, But he didnt he choose to let you do the swap. Another note you didnt do anyone a favor by doing a swap like this. I can do a better job with my eyes closed. Thats just a lack of respect for customers who dont have 10k to spend on big motor builds and swaps.

point finale you messed up, give the guy some of his money back or fix the job so that it runs properly none of this hackjob i live in Jason Vorhee’s basement shit.

Get it done right despite problems that may occure during the instalation