Onijdm Swap Issue

of course your going to think the day you go pick up your car and paid all that money, you want to be able to drive it away… I believe Oni need to find the mans money and give him back most of it

Your not alone, Im a skyline owner too.

anywho, Mitch. There was so much respect for you with your work and your cars you bring in from japan. I only heard great things coming from ONIJDM. Whats happening with your company? Doing swap jobs like this doesnt make sence. you do the job to complete it not to almost complete it. Remember the customer is paying you to complete the job not to almost complete the job.

I got a swap done last year in my 180sx it cost my 1900$ with a used spring loaded clutch. Everythig was done perfectly and it ran like a dream. Why couldnt you make it happen for 1800$ on this 240?

Anywho i hope you and Jed Solve this issue as im afriad your about to loose a shit ton of business over this 2k swap.

Wow…that’s really sad.

In my opinion, I think the kid should get at least half his money back or get the job completed for no extra charge. (Considering he was overcharged for parts and labour already)

Either way, if you guys don’t do that, I’m sure that you won’t be getting anymore business from SON.

Cause remember, there’s still SG Motorsport and Draggon (Stephen) that SONlings can go to.

Sasha does top notch work. Sasha always gets the job done. Period.
Stephen has an awesome reputation. ANYTHING related to KA-T should be left to Stephen.

The best advice I have for ONIJDM would be to stick to importing parts/cars and just selling it. When it comes to business, you wanna be the best that you can be.

You don’t see Taco Bell trying to come out with their own “Big Mac” just for the sake of competing with others.

Hopefully this is all worked out because when i got my s14, the previous owner had an sr installed and it was a hack job and it cost me over 1000 to get that thing running right… i really dont think its right when a customer is given the keys to their car and the job isnt done right…

on another note…

rr32gtrr and fobwall agreed in this thread… big news

Ok, you guys were not there so you cannot speculate what happened, nor do I have the time to go into details.

We tried to do Sajed a favour by looking at the car, next he wanted an SR20DET swap, we said no, then a CA18DET comes, we inspect the motor, and said not to put it in, the harness and the motor were not good.

Sajed insisted he needs to put it in, we clearly say it is going to cost time/money because every part on his car is old/rusty/greasy/hacked etc. These take more time than than usual to fix/replace.

We do not have a fixed cost for a swap. It was T/E due to the nature of the car; the final price included parts. Throughout the whole process we made Sajed aware of the rising costs, we had to stop when Sajed said he has no money left for the job. He said he will store the car for a bit and then continue. The car was in extremely poor condition and not an ideal canidate for a swap. His car was full of junk parts/tools/bolts inside and out. We did the job because we wanted to try to help Sajed out.

WE MADE IT VERY CLEAR WHAT THE OUTSTANDING ISSUES WERE! Sajed agreed to pay for the work done so far because he knew what time/effort it took to do the work so far. Why? Because he was there in the shop most of the time watching. Sajed clearly understood the cost and time to do the job. We had to fix/repair the car for many items before swapping it. We stopped because he wanted to save some more money to continue the work.

We have imported very nice cars and have done quality work on the motors. We have many SR’s and RB’s to attest to that; including my personal EVO X build up.

I’m sorry it this happened; but we believe we were fair and upfront with Sajed. Almost everyday we met/spoke with Sajed discussing the swap and issues. We agreed to take responsibility for any errors on our part, but not for the motor as we refused to put it in. To be clear, the message was we will do the swap; but we cannot be responsible for the outcome because we are advising the car is not in a good condition to do the swap nor is the motor. Sajed insisted he wanted the swap done.

My post on GTRC was a rant on how Skyline GTR’s once deemed prestige cars were slowly becoming ricer cars. I’ve owned S14’s since 1997 and have respect for them, however there are a lot of bad 240’s out there that shouldn’t be on the road. This is nothing new.

Anyhow this is fodder for SON, the internet, and e-thugs will come out of anywhere and try to flip words, introduce hearsay facts etc.,Those who know us first hand should know better… I am disappointed Sajed took this route after all the conversations I have had with him.

Why do you think Fiddy, their previous mechanic left to go with a more experienced tuning shop and take off all JDM Import decals.

Then why did you perform the swap? If you cant give the job a garantee of the work being done properly you shouldnt be doing the work at all. If the wiring harness was all messed up he should have replaced it its about 150$ for an uncut one.

Other then that with all the fair warnings you gave sajed he should have looked else where to get it done, But he didnt he choose to let you do the swap. Another note you didnt do anyone a favor by doing a swap like this. I can do a better job with my eyes closed. Thats just a lack of respect for customers who dont have 10k to spend on big motor builds and swaps.

point finale you messed up, give the guy some of his money back or fix the job so that it runs properly none of this hackjob i live in Jason Vorhee’s basement shit.

Get it done right despite problems that may occure during the instalation

Thanks for posting this complaint, this is a good heads up for those looking for work done on there 240.

ONIJDM definitely should NOT have taken the job on. I think that is what it really comes down to. But since you guys took the job on, there’s no excuse for not finishing it completely especially since you guys received payment for it. I’d understand if you were his buddy and helped him out for free. But you guys got paid for something that was not completed.

The issue is not about defending yourselves anymore.

The question is whether you will fix up his car or give him some money back.

Basically what i got out of Mitch recent post is that his car is not as important as his EVO X and other $$$$ customer cars.

Its a shame this is turning out this way, Mitch HAD a good company but now it seems like he stopped caring cause the money is proper in the bank accounts right now and he dont really need small time business. Small time keeps the nation going you better learn that

all i can say is…

how can you “a shop” let a car leave like that. EVER!!!

Looks to me like JED got hosed by OniJDM.

In the future if you want a swap done call Varun. Costs more but it will run at the end of it all.

My dad has made guys rip out entire sidewalks, retaining walls, walkways etc… of concrete and such because it was half-assed and he and his company wont stand for that shit, then had them do it again at no cost.

Same business principle applies here, get job done right or dont do it at all. Its as simple as that

MAN UP! that swap looks like absolute dog shit.

Your dad is like Mike Holmes!! and i believe in that principle! you make yourself shine where others have failed

its the nature of the business.

You have to demand the best to be the best. Theres a reason the company my dad works for is massive. Everything is done properly, 100%, to the very last detail. There are days where my dad will tell work crews to get the fuck off the jobsite because they just fuck around. Ive heard some of his phone convos and theyre hilarious.

hahaha your dad’s the man!

Is he Italian or Portuguese? lol

^^^ I knew Mark would ask that lol… Marks way i guess!!

^ Vlad personally looked into this motor, fixed up just a few things from the rest of the bullshit work on the wiring and what not, the motor is in good “runnable and workable” condition.

We were both amazed and disgusted at the work done…never did a CA swap before Oni? One of the lines, they routed out through the firewall and exiting out to the front left tire…

Get off Son240, if you guys have that attitude. Thank You.

**GIVE HIM BACK THE $800 extra you charged him. He didn’t have a gun to your guys head demanding to do the swap…get real guys.

Italian lol. If he was portuguese he’d be doing the work, not running the site LOL.