Onijdm Swap Issue

DAMN!!! ^^^^ lol




Sajed was told from Day one that the $850 included the straight swap. This meant and was reiterated that we would pull his engine, drop in the new one so that it runs.

I TOLD him from Day one that everything else would be extra. I told him to install the Intercooler it would be extra since were in fact rigging up a non CA system on there. It was my understanding that he understood

We fitted my S14 OEM piping out of my Silvia with 70,000kms on it on his car. This took a lot of work and manipulation to get it to fit like stock. We also had to purchase couplings connectors, etc to get it to fit.
We used placed the intercooler in the stock location and made brackets to hold it in place.
Before this Sajed wanted to install a front mount on his car which I advised him not to because I believed that all the bolts would break, we would have to relocate the battery to the rear (depending on the IC used) or purchase a smaller battery.
We tried to save him some hassle by not going with a front mounts as the parts and installation are more expensive

His Slave was leaking Very badly and needed replacing. This was not in the original estimate and was told of the price. He understood.

Sajed’s main battery ground was very bad and we tried to help by making a new one. This was an issue because we could not find clean metal in a near OEM location for the ground, so we had to rig something up.

The Mounts that Sajed gave us were both in very bad condition and we had to spend a significant amount of time to get them freed up to be able to use them. That is why he was charged for them.

O2 Housing… Sajed did NOT want to use the CA 02 housing. I explained to him that I could sell him one of my old s13 or s14 SR 02 housings. I said that we could do it easily while the engine was out at no charge but he did not want that.
He proceeded to order one from e-bay that we had to install while everything was already installed on the engine.
Furthermore, his e-bay 02 housing did not fit properly and we had to drill it out and modify it because the holes did not line up.
That is why he was charged.

Throttle bracket had to be made because the alignment of the CA one was way off. We went out to buy a bracket since we did not have one, bent it, and drilled it, cut it, etc until it was satisfactory.

Attempted clutch install. Sajed wanted to use a non CA clutch on his car.
We proceeded to disassemble the engine from the tranny, remove the stock clutch and attempted to install the clutch that he gave us.
When it did not fit, we proceeded to inspect and remove the components, lube them then re assemble it to put back in.
That is why he was charged.

The engine bay was actually cleaned up a lot from how we got it. It was power washed and degreased and that is as much as it could be cleaned without going overboard.
I did this for myself since i did not want to get dirty working on his car.

I should NOT have accepted this job but it’s really hard to tell a guy to F-off, when the car is already there.

I actually went out of my way to convince Mitch to take the job. That was my mistake.
Sajed originally brought his car in to diagnose his idling problem.
His original problem was that his KA was NOT idling right.
He brought it in on a flat bed, I got the car started and found that the spark plugs were destroyed do to the massive amounts of metal in the cylinders.
Sajed tried to work on his own car and the results were catastrophic
Knowing his funding limitations, I strongly advised to stay KA, and go from there.
I advised a Straight KA swap, cams, gears and some sort of Ecu upgrade.
He did not want that.
He brought us his car, and a crappy CA to do the swap.
Nothing else.
This left us to source a lot of the remaining things for his engine with what we had kicking around.
Sajed also wanted us to change the Timing belt on the CA which I told him would be fully chargeable. He didn’t understand why we would not do it for free.

As for the parts, He got a brand new slave cylinder , an oem s14 hotpipe with HKS flange already welded on and HKS bov for the $80.
He was charged for coolant as we used PEAK coolant on his car.

He was charged 150 for my old IC, piping, materials and extra pipes, couplings and hoses that were needed for the car. My IC setup looked new and was in great condition.
He was charged $20 for a new Rad hose that fits perfectly on his car, and another 20 a turbo elbow because his was broken.
He was charged for the SR intake pipe which was bought last year from a reputable seller for the exact same price.

The car/engine did not have a Rad fan, either electric or clutch fan. He did not bring in a proper intake adapter for the air filter (that’s why there is nothing there).

All wires were properly soldered and heat shrunk.
We did not have the complete bottom harness from the car as Sajed never brought it to us. Hence, no knock sensor is connected. On a CA, it has to be hard wired into the ECO, which i later found out.

So… we charged him $1360 Total for labour.
Out of that there was $170 which he stupidly requested plus the original $850 for Labour.
That leaves the total “extra” that we charged him at $340.
Installation, modification of the intercooler and piping cost $170.
That now leaves the “excess” charge at $170. We also charged him 0.5 hr to install and bleed the slave cylinder and re-adjusting his clutch.
Further lowering the total to over which he was quoted at $130 ish.
This leaves as contentious issues, the ground, the seized mount and the Throttle bracket for the remainder $130.
I’ve already told Sajed that I would refund him the money for the ground, but I have not heard back from him.

The car looks like ass because that’s how it was brought to us. We tried cleaning it up, but it was to no avail.

We NEVER should have taken the job.
S13’s are not our target market.
That is a main reason we do not currently sponsor SON . I’ve had some discussions with the mods on this when I had to politely retract our sponsorship.
Even when we did, we only deal with a select few people on the site, usually on a first name basis. Most of those have my personal Cell or work email.
We do NOT advertise S chassis swaps nor do we post up pricelists or anything like that.

Sajed was under the impression that he could bring me a 20year old engine, a 20 year old rust bucket plus $950 and have the car looking like the EVO X, Jacky’s S14 or my Silvia.
The CA does not have any idle controls besides a mechanical adjustment directly at the TB. If there was an ISC, the adjustment plug was blocked.

Before all this started, Sajed spoke to me about the car, swap and said issues.

** I advised him that if it was our wrong doing, I would step up and fix it at no charge. **

I did say that if it was not our fault, or had to do with the previous condition of the car or the engine itself, I would charge him for the time spent on further issues.

I also told him to e-mail me, as we had previous problems with him trying to manipulate my words.
I wanted everything in writing.

HE wrote me an e-mail, I wrote him back, and he proceeded to post this.

Sajed’s car is not finished because it’s missing essential parts like cooling fans, exhaust, fuel pump, etc.
There are many reasons why the car could be stuttering ranging from a boost leaks, dried up seals, bad O2 sensor, bad/dirty maf, bad ECU, etc.
We did not feel safe running the engine for prolonged periods of time without cooling as overheating damage could occur.
THAT is why we could not diagnose said stuttering issue, we could never run it long enough to check.
I drove his car for a few minutes to make sure that it did run. I pulled okay and sounded great.

We wanted to get the car out as soon as possible because the owner of the complex complained that it looked like a junk car and was going to get it towed. We were afraid that if it got towed, we would be further liable for towing and storage charges.

I’m sure everyone has made up their minds on this already, but the information is there. Everyone will have their opinions on this which I’m sure will be something enlightening and witty.


This is the worst explanation I have ever heard in my life. “We didnt want to do the swap but I charged him a lot of money and gave him nothing but crap”. This is not the first time I have heard of you guys having problems with people. Remember your mechanic threatened to beat up some guy at driftmania for no reason? Or how about that time you tried to sell a written off FD with the description of minor damage?

You Respect 240 guys? Look at your comment on GTRC. BTW if you respect them so much why the hell did you butcher that S14 and sell it for a ridiculous some?

Just apologize to they guy, Give him half his money back, and admit you WERE ALSO AT FAULT. For God sakes you just said your EVO/Higher paying customers are more important that us regular guys.

To the OP. If you need any help, come by my place FREE OF CHARGE. Lets see if I can help you fix the car. Or I think some son guys should go take a look at the car to see if we can help.

Definitely…must be real hard to say NO politely, F-off aside…especially if he’s got some imaginary gun to you?(sarcasm)

Sourcing stuff kicking around, $1750 later the end result…

Clearly you didn’t know enough about the CA to actually take the swap and do it properly rather than waste time for making mistakes from your learning and having him pay for it, but money talks…what’s wrong with a KA fuel pump? why an SR one? for a CA?!

Why did you then?! it’s too late now.

Well, you guys definitely went against your word, after all that, and you still went through with it. I can see why now S13’s and 240’s aren’t and shouldn’t be your target market.

honestly, I’m sure he wasn’t looking to make his car like yours. Just a running CA and a proper swap, no one gives two shits about hearing the “mintness” of your car.

That’s right there…now step up, and make the right changes, to rid of all the wrong.

I have dealt with Mitch from ONIJDM, has always been A+ with me…
I am Shocked that he has accepted the job, and even more stunned letting that disaster leave his shop. Looks like he has the old staff of mssc; NOT GOOD.
Weather you told him to sell it, not to do the swap etc… ; you accepted the job. By doing so IMO that was a terrible call on your part. Im sure Oni will take a hit in the wallet for that swap…


As much as we have had our differences, I really do agree with you on this. +1 respect for offering to help the kid for free. I respect that.

Also, like Junior said…you have to respect the small time guys as well. Seems like you guys got way ahead of yourselves and only cared about customers with nice/easy/clean/expensive cars to work on. FYI, a 240 is much easier to work on than a GTR.

hey atleast the portuguese women are sexier then italian women. Italians go home to a nice furry beast…and the portuguese go home to sexy house wives:cool:

I’ve been hearing from ppl that know there is no business over at oni’s shop. maybe i’m wrong but i seem to believe this and anyone else saying they are working on this and that THey ARe NOT…meaning they really, really need/want that money i beleve there was something like under 5 cars sold last year

is that why I cannot get a response from Mitch in regards to Pm’s for JDM market parts? despite advertising the service…
because my user name is S13GG despite not owning an S13.

N15 70mm MAFS… ? GTiR turbo?..

anyways, on the sajed issue, you really shouldn’t force a swap on a shoestring budget…

nobody is innocent

are you fucking kidding me?

anyways not to digress anymore, i wont take this further.

For some reason I can`t shake the feeling that all along the owner (of car) was to blame for the mess he put ONIJDM through and then comes on SON to bitch (to put it bluntly).

Not just saying this because ONIJDM is a sponsor, but it seems some people expect a lot more from shops then what they actually paid for.

^^ if a shop looks at a car KNOWING what they getting into, and accepts the job they are 100% responsible… the money that was paid out, the $1700 or $1900 whatever it was he and Oni came to the deal of having a working, driveable car in the end. I seen perfect swaps done for $1000 and everything was PERFECT… so dont blame the amount paid, the workmanship was HORRIBLE they didnt forfill their end of the deal!!

OniJDM is going downhill faster than Ben Johnson. and was called a joke people that use to work with them.

he expected a working car, not some 10 second car that could handle like its on rails.
his expectations were more than reasonable.

i work in a machine shop and if we quote hours on a job wrong and we go over, we eat the extra labor costs. we also check to see the customers budget and if we cannot do the job 100% for that budget we dont take the job at all. always thought this was how it worked in other industries but aparently not. this is a great heads up imo reggarding this “shop”

Originally Posted by veloz
Sajed was under the impression that he could bring me a 20year old engine, a 20 year old rust bucket plus $950 and have the car looking like the EVO X, Jacky’s S14 or my Silvia.

lol love how they think their cars are the king shit. if they are working on such baller cars then they should own up and pay the guy $800 back and part ways. just my opinion

OniJDM sucks now. And was called a joke people that use to work with them.

Yeah this is stupid in my opinion. You knew BLUNTLY what you were getting into… why the fuck did you even do it. As for not going FMIC, why didn’t you relocate the battery if you had to re run the ground cable in a custom place anyways? Afraid to lose an extra $150? If you guys did not know about the CA then why did you even do it. That motor looks to be in MINT shape for a CA. All you guys do is bitch, whine and boost the ballerness of your shop. If your target market isn’t 240’s why do you guys own a S14 and a Silvia then and brag about them to boot? Along with that why are you guys a sponsor on SON240, it’s called Souther Ontario Nissan 240sx for a reason afterall? If you guys were gentlemen you would of owned up to your fuck up in the first place or done it right. If you quote a number you for a job you KEEP it at that, and suck up the rest of the cost. $1800 is a lot of money to spend and have a butchered car. You guys fucked up and probably lost a market of about 1000 people due to this.

both parties are to blame … if jed240 had done a little reseach on the ca18det swap or Nissan engines in general he would have sourced all the right parts and saved a lot of money on the swap.

Ive seen the Car when it was KA and it was definately a disaster … ITB on a plastic , ducktaped and glued together intake manifold aint going to work. There is no way the car will idle … You should have listened to Jay when he offered to throw back on the Stock intake manifold.

That being said … Onijdm raped you on parts and labour… $400 for SMIC with piping, home depot coupler and bov install is overpriced … hell even varun wouldnt have raped you that bad.
$170 charged for motor mounts , TB bracket and ground wire should have been part of the install.
$170 charged for the o2 housing install and attempted clutch install were brought about by Jed240’s stupidity… however you guys could have given him a break on that or charged a little less.

cant really blame Oni … you agreed to their pricing and they took advantage of you.
You should have supplied a Fan ( even a AC fan from a Ka for now) and an exhaust so that they could have got your car running properly.

okay i am locking this up.

the issue has been exhausted to death.

CA’s are garbage no matter what. There is nothing ONI could have done to ungarbage a CA.