Onyx Time Attack & Lapping ***TIMING SYSTEM***

im so screwed…

ah looks like im too broke this time around, see you another time fellas. I’ll wager Jim runs the fastest lap.

If you are just on the wastegate spring you are having a mechanical failure. Did you adjust the actuator arm when you re-and-re’d it on the new turbo. If you have too much preload on the arm you are going to affect the wastegates ability to open.

we did play with it… but the last reassembly was not done by me. i’ll inspect tonight

mmmmm wetlaps…

just got back… Dan threw my car off track first lap, turn 2-3 and fucked up my CF lip and broke my fender cap…

it’s a good thing he’s pretty.

working out the timing system… i ran a 1.36 in the pouring rain which was faster than several cars until Mike (MPD) got out there in his mildly modded M5 and crushed me with a 1:31… dude is nuts

cassie who ran a 1.17 dry ran a 1.38 if that gives you an indication of how slow the track was… fun as hell though… i enjoyed it just as much as dry… less wear on the tires, no noise, lots of sliding.

also tried out my new fender roller… it took all of 5 minutes to pull my fenders right out… haha

dunnville is like ICE in the wet!

iono, when the track was wet, but there was a dry line, it was okay… really fun actually. obviously you’re going slower, but you’re so attentive and careful that you are taking more in i feel

the ONLY thing i dont like about the rain is that the car got fogged up badly and my rear defrost isnt working perfectly and my wiper speeds are not all functional…

i had no issue with the track conditions… it was a ton of fun.

Hahah - good times buddy. I’m pretty sure that CF lip needed to be replaced anyway…

Can we just show up at this event?

Sure, if;

That is so cute. Is this shit for real?

Count me in Bing, I’ll get the payment sorted.

What a crazy day… not a drop of rain…

i’ll post about it when the pics are in later this evening… man do i have some good stories…lol… alot of ups and downs today.

bing, just saw your msn message

you are a fucking madman :smiley:

that time (I’ll let you post it) puts you up there with the best of them pretty much.

what suspension and what tires?

im waiting for the pics… the times were one thing… the damages sustained are another entirely…lol

hopefully they’ll be ready today.

lol bing. You crack me up man. Fantastic day minus the minor mishap with bing.

pics and times!!

bing congrats and sorry in the same breath

Ok well the day started off fine.

i spent several hours the past few nights working on the car and finding some issues and solving them. Thanks to Hector for the phone-tech support fixing the issue with my cluster… Also found 2 grounds not properly secured to the car…

I should also state that i just sent my turbo out to Precision to have the seals redone, however, that did not solve my issue of getting tremendous amounts of oil into the intake and out through the blow of valve…

I also recently redid my catch can set up and you can see that early on in the day the car was looking and feeling solid. i ran off maybe 10 straight laps going nice and hard… the car loved it… cooling of here:

However, everytime i broke off a few hot laps and started to heat teh car up i would be down on power. i attribute this still to the oil / intake / bov issue that has plagued me for years through different turbos and entirely different motors seeing as how i recently switched back to a stock block with Apexi HG and ARP studs…

Shooting flames and looking good:


There were 2 cars that were clearly faster than me…

this R8 was brought by the owner but driven predominantly by a hired professional instructor… it ran a 1.13.8 during time trials… then he offed in on lap 2…haha


Dave Moffit’s 350z with Koni double adjustables, Hoosier slicks, Cage, 4 corner brembos, built NA motor was faster than me all day… i couldnt even pull on him in the straights , or at least i felt i couldnt even though he said it was where i was gaining on him if at all… i rode with him towards teh end of the day and we drive this track very differently.

This shot of the Z with me tailing was during a 3 lap stint where i let him pass and then chased him for 3 laps… he did pull on me but i was right there for all 3 laps. I had a passenger and was getting really squirrly. As i tried to match his lines and braking i found out pretty quickly that my brakes were not up to his… and my street tires had me very squirrly through Brack’s and the Carousel. Towards the end my car started to really heat up and i could feel it was sluggish so i came in… rear brakes smoking

So then i take Mike (MPD47) out to critique my lapping… i broke off a 1.16.5 with the driftbox at the time and mike gave me a couple tips at a few spots on the track…

coming hard through turn 3 (sunset sweep) i went wide and hit the chicane head on with my drivers front wheel… i immediately knew i had fucked something up… it was HARD at over 100kph.

the Result: A serisously bent up CCW Classic…

That rubber mallet did nothing really. I got a block of wood and then coupld guys from NYspeed took turns holding the wood while i took a serious hammer to it… i pounded it out, went to CT to get some clamps to resecure my air filter that blew off twice and then entered the time attack.

It just so happened that the wheel was round enough to run some sharp times even though i definately felt it on the way home.

And now the great part…lol

i took John Kuiper (track manager) out with me for the time attack, so i had a full weight passenger and after 2 laps i came in with a 1.15.18 time… i was pretty happy with it… but before they ended the time trial session i wanted to do a couple more laps and see if i could beat it… john got out and a lady friend of his stepped in.

i hit the track hard but as with earlier in the day i was still getting very sideways through the Carousel… full sideways until almost after the end of the exit chicane. I felt fast and went for a second flying lap… then the cabin started to get smoky. I advised my femal passenger to relax, it happens all the time… well it hasnt ever happened like this…lol… i was hitting over 178kph on the front straight (we ran clockwise all day) and as i finished the last part of the second lap the car started getting really smoky… i exited curve grand and then some serious smoke filled the cabin…

i lost my clutch pedal completely and i knew something was seriously fucked up… i told the passenger that i had a fire for sure… we coasted with the doors open up to the start line, passed the sensors for a 1.22…haha and i popped the hood in front of everyone (30+) and say fire and smoke in 3 places…

i grabbed a couple bottles of water and started throwing it all over the motor… a couple dudes showed up with fire extinguishers really quickly and we put it out.

After we put it out i was advised that my first flying lap was 1.14.72… so i did beat my previous fastest time quite handidly… and i tell you i was very sideways and still have not mastered grand curve yet.

notice the 1.14 on the coolant overflow tank

I sat the car out for a bit, did a quick inspection… my dip stick blew out, despite being secured down with clamps. My catch can slipped down and seemingly pinched the return tube which would have helped build excess pressure in the crankcase beyond what is already too much anyways…

I always get oil out of the BOV but i’m never driving that hard for that long which likely attributed to the oil igniting on the intake side of the car of all places…

I filled the car back up with oil and started it up… you can see the result of the front CCW here.

it started up without issue… i reversed into the pits and cleaned it up a bit more… it drove home fine… in fact, as i gained assurance that it was running fine i even boosted it up a few times and it felt dandy.

i’m going to clean up the motor, change my catch can, retape some wires and get it ready for CSCS. Upon further inspection today none of the wiring was harmed, just the loom and plastic clips in some places…

i was running on street tires, RT615 in front (225.45.17) and Potenza S03 in the rear in 265.40.17)

i firmly believe that if i start using the brakes like mike and dave do and stop abusing my tranny then powering out so hard and sliding, and take a better line through a couple turns i can crack the 1.13’s on street tires. when i go with R-comps… who knows.

Mike’s AKA M5 is insane… he took us out with 4 guys in the car on street tires and it felt incredible… i cannot beleive how nimble it was. Mike is a retarded driver… we came out of grand curve so hot and got it sooo sideways… he dipped both rear wheels on to the rocks… i swear to god i thought my life was over and that the thing was rolling a dozen times… but he recorrected and put the thing right back onto the track… i dont even understand how his front wheels were even on the track still

Then Dave drove it and did this:

im trying to get Mike and his M5 out to CSCS for drift and time attack because i bet his relatively stock M5 will crush most of the crowd at CSCS even on streets.

Hahaha, as I said, awesome day. Great write up Bing! We’ll see how much I get accomplished on the car today and tomorrow and I’ll let you know about CSCS. Glad you made it home ok!

WOW! Sounds like everybody had a good day, drizzled rain in Mississauga all day so I stayed home with the family.
Bing: Nice thing about CCW’s being 3 pcs., Always an easy fix.