The Onyx Syndicate has acquired a custom-made timing system using infrared and wireless technology that is capable of managing 4 cars on-track at a time.
The system was tested on Friday Aug 29th with great success. So far the time to beat is 1:17.20 set by a young lady in a stock Porsche Boxster with V710’s.
The first half of both remaining days will be open lapping sessions. The last few hours will be time-attack with 4 cars on at a time.
The September 27th session will be professionally catered as was out intro event this year.
Sept 13 was originally slated to be a Drift-Ops event but since the change in rules we had to convert the day to a lapping day, hence the discounted price.
Sept 27th will be the season’s end event for the Onyx Syndicate to close out our first full year of official operations. Come out and show your support and provide us the feedback we need to pre-book our 2009 dates.
it is not a transponder system. It is a centrally managed system with 2 sensors that will give a split time and a full time so that you can find out which half the of track your making or losing ground on. Max 4 cars on the track with the current program.
we did not have the wireless management set up on Friday, but we will on the 13th.
Going with the full AMB transponder set up was too costly for what we are trying to do. If people start putting their money where their mouth is and start filling these days we’ll look at stepping into more sophisticated systems.
Until then, i’m proud to say we should be the only economical option in the province for basic accurate time attack.
September 13th is open lapping with time trials at the end just so people can practice for the 27th (and we can iron out any bugs in our system / software.) The open lapping at the beginning on the 27th will just be refresher runs and not timed.
Mike is a cheater though, he actually knows how to drive.
I dont mean to put down Mark’s car because it’s awesome and I love it, but I’d be surprised if there are more than 1-2 people who can beat Mike’s time in a street car with street tires, regardless of what car.
I’m really excited to see how it turns out though. I doubt I’ll drive because I’ll get my ass handed to me because I’m a shitty driver but I just might come check this out…
//edit// who am i kidding, i can’t afford more track days either
//edit2// bing, any chance you would consider a different price for time trials only?
Josh is having some issues with the timing system and setting it up for multi-car usage. We want to avoid doing a 1 car at a time thing of course, but this is testing afterall.
danno, i’ll call you tonight, i am going to try and figure out some issues before i get this thing tuned… i bypassed the AVCR and my car is still overboosting… should see you tonight though.