opening a we buy gold stand near hvcc

He said teach us for easy math… Thats what I did… I didnt want to mix the math with his question togeather as its a bit much… As you can see I answered his question before you even posted this.

no,actually you edited your 2nd reply as i posted it

I posted at 1:15, 5 whole minutes before you.

I added " refiner pays around 93-94% which is the last stop but you need to have at least 100 ounces of gold to get that price."

at 1:20

Yea bro you must know a whole lot seeing as how your business made it so far

You mad cuz you bust your ass all day for $500 a week when I sit down, eat pizza, talk to hoes, browse the internet, watch dvds all day and make more?

I could give a fuck if a hole in the wall store gets shut down lol, I just wanted something to kill the time with… I have a route that I do once a week… That one day a week is my full time job.

Yea sure it is dick wad. Sorry I make more then you and have a legit job while you are sweating ******* trying to make a buck. Sucks you will never be more then a piece of shit to any one

Fact is I promise you I make more then you lol. Sweating to make a buck? My man, im sweating to make a MILLION, not a buck lol… As I said I make a living off of working one day a week but I dont JUST want to make a living, my goals are high.

you lie so much bro. i read your replies and you had nothing posted in the 2nd one about what you would pay.

but its cool because i dont plan on selling any gold anytime soon. unlike your clientele im not broke :lol

Ha sure they are. You are a broke ass fuck with out a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. No one is falling for your horse shit claims of making money. You are some midget clown that does not know his ass from his elbow and will never make it any where in life. Keep telling your self you know all so I can laugh the next time “useless” Colonie arrests your ass for being a dirt bag


Kid is a dirt bag that is broke as fuck. Millions my ass you cant even afford a happy meal from McDonalds you dirt bag

A mod can can tell what I wrote and what I edited, so lets get vlad or singh to see whos lying.

Im happy your not broke, I really am… some arent as fortunate as you, they have car payments and mortgages to pay… You have an old ass peice of shit and dont own a house so you have nothing to worry bout… Anything else pumpkin?

Bro you dont own shit. Im glad you think your midget ass knows all but really you are just some dumb shit loser that wont make it any where

Cant believe im stooping to your level but fuck it…

Heres your mcdonalds money faggot… Do you need facial regonition too?

Wow you posted a picture of money. Funny thing is that money was never yours hence the bank wrapping and the random singles on the out side of it. You still dont have a real job nor have you ever or will you ever. You have never contributed any thing to society nor will you because you are one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Go inject some more steroids and get arrested for ripping people off and let me know how it works out for you.

i also dont live beyond my means where i would have to subject myself to selling off “precious items” to cover my bills.

and honestly, your BMW is nothing special. its a high mile base model. i can sell my TDI with nothing i have put into it and come out making money off of it, with add on’s to sell if needed.

are you still bitter because my girlfriend drives slow? she should have rolled coal on you :crackup

If I dont own it what is it doing in my hands in my car? lol… The money is wrapped becuase when your a big boy doing big deals you dont take a half hour to count out 70,000… This happens to be what I got paid from a refiner… The 100’s are strapped, the ones are loose becuase theres only a few of them… WOW you are such a joking its fucking funny as shit!!

You want some more pics of UNwrapped money? lololol

do you claim your wages quarterly or do you avoid paying tax? do you carry the proper forms and documentation for that currency?

or do you just drive around looking like you push coke?

hopefully you carry the right forms, because it would sure suck to get pulled over and not have proof of the origin of that money, and have it seized until you can prove it.

Bro, seriously, how you spend your money and how you live your life is on you, but to judge someone for selling a peice of jewelry back when someone paid next to nothing for it is rediculous.

I NEVER said my BMW was anything special though its def not a base model seeing how it has nav and almost every other option… I can also sell my bmw and make money, even after putting 50k on it.

I do taxes quarterly and I carry around my tax id # when doing larger deals. I also have reciepts from the precious metal refiner reflecting the exact amount of money. Its really not a big deal and 70k isnt shit in the precious metal business… Off of 70k I made like 5k… Business is good and sucks at the same time.