Opie and Anthony


“if blind people wear dark glasses, why don’t deaf people where ear muffs”

this guy questioning Ant about marrying his daughter



i want to know what the other surprise is

I liked Mr. Mac yesterday better

:lol: the mr. mac bit was creepy

i heard mr mac, that was hilarious

i may buy the INNO, the portable XM unit… i wonder if THAT will work here



aaron ur new nickname is mr. mac

Stop it.

you DOLT

lets take some pictures here to remember the day you spilled the paint.



LOL this whole call with ant was amazing

Missed it and can’t listen at work.

What happened?

Ant called in sick cause he was up all nigth banging Jill

^^lol basically

and Opie and Jim were just fucking with him the whole time. Lots of funnies

ant is going with jill to get her cats NEUTERED

Well, i listened on my way into work at 730 to 8, but didn’t listen to anything thereafter, so I missed all the fun.

I knew he called in, haha.

i would recommending downloading this episode just for that phone call

are they not live on XM today?

not sure, but when they signed off from syndication, they said something about being back next week