Opie and Anthony



YES! Maybe they can play some more of the current “modern rock” songs that completely suck, 30 times a day.

Looks like I’m not listening to the Edge on the drive in for my final work week in Buffalo.

fuck them Im done with the edge theres nothing they could put on in place of them to get as many listeners as O&A got

Driving to work this morning blew ass without O&A. As soon as they work out the Sirius/XM merger, I’m getting satellite.

Same here. First time I hooked up the iPod in the car in a loooong time…

hopefully they get re-signed.

apparently their contract runs out in like 60 days and they haven’t heard anything about renewing.

If that happens, I’m canceling my XM subscription

IMO any radio station would be completely stupid NOT to pick them up. Besides NYC, Buffalo had amazing ratings for them…and on top of that…they really do love buf cause of opie…and they seemed pretty pissed about it.

did they say anything else about it? Are they still working on getting them back on in buffalo?

Is S&R going back to mornings now?

Aren’t S&R getting awesome ratings where they are? Why move them?

lol so were opie and anthony. Who knows that they have planned.

that really sucks :tdown:

dunno if there is any talk with other stations…i thought i heard something about it. I could be wrong though.

someone should pick them up… sure as hell couldnt hurt

that would be awesome if another station got them.

going back to 92.9 possibly?

todays drive in sucked!

lol…rob so angry…and sad :frowning:

I called the Edge this morning just to bitch about it and Evil Jim told me that S&R are staying in afternoons and that they’re “working on some things” for the morning. To me that sounds like “we have no clue what we’re going to do for mornings.” The Edge stinks.

Thank god. O&A blow.


I wish i could have listened to them today though, i’m sure they’re making fun of buffalo.

Nah, they are probably pissed, they had a good hold of the market here. Plus Opie has lots of friends here still.

Who cares, just get satellite if your that pissed

there is still part of the show that isn’t on satellite you old bastard.

lol :slight_smile: