Opie and Anthony

cause the local station pays money to have them broadcast their show here. Someone doesn’t feel that they are worth the money.

So when is the last day for O&A in b-lo?

Corporate-owned radio stations completely suck in all aspects.

well…at the end of the CBS side this morning, opie said “goodbye to buffalo, this could be it”

so today might have been the last of them in buffalo.

so fucking stupid.

thank god for XM

literally 2 seconds ago Opie said “good bye to buffalo, this could be it”

and they left the air


edit - Skunk beat me to it. Im fucking boycotting 103 if they go off


you SUCK WITH RE POSTS :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, we posted at the same time. I gotta get some kind of consideration for that.

but yes, I appear to be the king of the REZPOTS

Other than S&R, not like you’d be missing much.

I feel for you guys though. I’m moving in a week so it doesn’t impact me all that much, but it sucks for those of you to lose out on OTA O&A.

ya, other than O&A and S&R, I dont listen, but I find it funny they continuously say they were ranked #1 in ratings in Buffalo, blah blah blah, and yet can’t keep O&A on?

doesn’t make much sense to me

Corporate penny pinchers running the show. They know there is no other competition in Buffalo for AM radio, so they are not going to really lose listeners. It’s not like O&A listeners are going to go listen to the morons over on 98.5.

I bet S&R will go back to AM, with music in the afternoons. Citadel saves some money and their ratings never really decline.

Unfortunately that’s what you get when a huge corporation runs a radio station and cares more about saving some bucks than the listeners preferences and making a good radio station.

awww now you might actually have to get a GF instead of humping O&A

surprised they didn’t give the 'ol “your mom’s box”

“thank god for XM” - skunkape

u mean thank god for micah’s username and password

Well they already said they have had offers from other radio stations and if they do move to another station it would really bit them in the end.


Yeah I really have to get a portable XM player now. Work blocks streaming feeds, so that is my only option now. Damnit.


Im in for the boycott, Ill call in and Ramoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the shit out of everyone

From Edge Cyber club email I received:

As a valued Edge Cyberclub member, I wanted to write you directly about the change we’ve made in mornings at Rock Radio 103.3 The Edge. As of 9am this morning, The Edge will no longer carry The Opie and Anthony Show. There are many reasons for this decision and I will share some of them with you.

We have been very serious in our “You-Thousand Eight” initiative. Much of our music, contests, weekend themes and other programming have been driven by you. As part of this plan, we’ve been overwhelmed by two major factors. First, we are bombarded with calls and emails asking us to be ‘more local’ in the morning. Even hardcore fans of O&A have expressed those sentiments. The other concern shared by many of you is that since O&A and Shredd & Ragan don’t play music, The Edge hasn’t felt like the ‘rock station’ that it used to be.

First of all, everyone here at The Edge has a great deal of respect for Opie and Anthony. You will hear some people say that the show failed here and that’s why this is happening but that couldn’t be further from the truth. O&A were successful in Western New York and we remain honored to have carried them for the last 2 years.

Part of our plan two years ago was to grow the station by putting Buffalo radio legends Shredd and Ragan in afternoons. The move of that show has been a tremendous success. By adding O&A to our line up in mornings we created compelling radio that Buffalo embraced. While our plan was indeed a tremendous success, it is now time to move to the next level and the future of rock radio in Western New York.

Starting this Monday, I will go on the air in the morning dealing you the rock music you demanded. You will have direct access to me. I will answer any and all questions. We will also create an O&A forum at wedg.com for you to share your thoughts on this decision as your opinion matters. Feel free to call me Monday at 716-644-9EDGE.

There is a lot of negative press about radio in the 21st century but understand that Buffalo is different. I’m from South Buffalo and I’ve known these three words my entire life. ‘Buffalo expects more.’ With that being said, we’re now poised to give you more.

It is with mixed emotions that Opie and Anthony depart, we must now look to the future and the opportunity we have to produce a Buffalo based morning show that can belong to our community; a morning show that will not only entertain you, but give you the content control and Buffalo material that you expect from us. We will invest in our morning show and our ability to be a 100% Buffalo radio station. I look forward to telling you all about it in the coming weeks.

I hope to see you out at Edgefest 2008 on Saturday!
James Kurdziel
Program Director
Rock Radio 103.3 The Edge

What a bunch of bullshit in that email. Yea let’s take off the only good program on our shitty station so we can play more shitty rock music! The only thin worse than their music selection is shredd and regan. Once again the only radio now tolerable is am and even that gets old.

Yay now they can play more Breaking Benjimin:hang: