Our gun rally caused 60K in lawn damage at the capital.

When you argue with your significant other…and she tells you that you aren’t getting any cause your ass stinks like shit and fire breathing salsa ( :slight_smile: ),do you go and dump on her tongue and fart in her face??

No, you play “nice” until your little peen gets touched.

Personally, I don’t think going at the state harder is going to do ANYTHING positive.

I see a “lawn day gtg” being a BIG DEAL. Not money…just time.

I do see both sides. If my neighbor came over and tore up my lawn I would not go fix it politely…I would spread the seed through his teeth. I guess in this particular circumstance, the media/state is expecting pro-gun people to act like bumpkins and angry monkeys.

I think KKKKKK is on the right track, personally, except for the part about monetary compensation.

No money for you.
-soup nazi
