opinions neede on career...

right now i am a manager for a corporate restaurant, which equals stability, benfits, etc…

my long time friend is opening a samll fine dining restaurant and offered me a executive chef job??

I continually find myself wishing I’d taken a bigger risk. The smart/safe bet is really starting to make me ill.

I say go for it.

go for it. If it doesn’t work out, you have something else to put on a resume.



Not to be the downer, but doesn’t some extremely high percentage of restaurants fail? Is it in Pittsburgh? You’re single though, correct? So maybe you can handle some risk better in that case.

honestly bud if he is a good friend…i would sit down with him…and expalin to him this is what i got…im willing to help you at as much as i can to get you up and running…

and then in a year…lets go back and see where we are and if its a win win for everyone for you to join him at that resteraunt…

any new bussiness owner should respect that especially if you guys are good firends…if his bussines dosnt do well…then if oculd get ugly between the two of you…

stick to where you are help him on the side and if things go well where its good for the both of you then i say go for it…but dont sell your self short your gonna have to make the effort to him that your just gonna want to jump on the good when its all up and running…

especially the resteraunt bussiness…that is so up and down in the city and especially the attitudes people of the pittsburgh area…ive been all over differnt air force bases and dealing with there clubs and resteruants i have never experianced shitty attutides of people in resturants then in pittsbugh…

if been looking into differnt invesments that have came about and passed on them cause of how people of pittsburgh are with returants…

Well first do you like were you work now?
Second, how stable will the new job be?
Third, Cha Ching.
Fourth, will you make more money in the long run?
Fifth, partnership if business does well?
**Sixth do you like the restaurant field/cooking?

Asking you six because a pretty good turning point in my life came when I choose to decline a management position for a restaurant. Offered me a descent amount of money for how young I was but I knew that I couldn’t live my life working in a restaurant.

also b/c werent you trying to become a personal trainer a little while ago on here? maybe you should focus on that a little more if its what you really wanna do?

If your current job is a chain style resturant, I say make the chance. You never know what day the chain will up and close, even when you think they are doing well. Or the day that the Execs come by and say" Oh your doing such a good job, we have decided that your moving to Iowa. Oh you dont want to go to Iowa? Well then get your shit, your fired."

I only bring up this point, as it happened to a cousin that was a 10 year manager at a Smokey Bones in Boston, when this happened to him. His choice was central Florida. He lives in Orlando now…

i would have to agree because unless you got a decent amount of money set aside saying your friends business does fail and then your out of a job i dont know figure out all of your pros and cons

75% of restaurants fail within the first 18 months, 85% within the first 5 years.

The restaurant business is one that is very very difficult to sustain. I’m all for risks, but with numbers like that, unless you are going after some niche market that needs filled and isn’t currently, or you have some ridiculous location that just can’t lose (think Sheetz in Oakland, Mike and Tony’s in S. Side, etc…) then I would tend to lean against that risk.

There just needs to be a hell of a lot more information regarding the setup for you to make that decision IMHO

Take the chance…before you find yourself wishing you did

Get my wife a sious chef/kitchen manager job? :bigthumb:

i did, and qould love to, but its hard to make real $ doing it. i love the gym, but it doesn’t pay like restaurants…

my friend assured me it is at least 3 years he will be there, he has 2 business partners, and the 1 paid the lease out for 3 years, so rent is covered…

the other said he will pay half of all utilities and food purveryors for the 3 years…

and he offered me a lot more then im making now, and i get to create my own menu.

i work in a corporate restaurant, and its stable, but im a robot. here my name will be on the door, and the menu. i think i am doing it. he told me it is a 50/50 chance to make this work, and if it does, and he opens a few more, he will remember who helped him get started. but the 50/50 chance is at least 3 years before he will lock the doors…

so if anyone on here actually likes and appreciates upscale cuisine, please support the restaurant, i will post more on the opening soon.

is she any good?? im looking for a sous chef as we speak, pm me with her backround…

Very cool! PM sent…thank you.

Risk = Reward.

…very true, where im at, i can promoted, but it will take a long time, if this new place takes off, i will move up a lot faster…and if it doesn’t work out in 3 years, i can get another job as a restaurant manger.

Working with friends = Horrible Idea