Opinions on new car wanted

whoaa, just because he has the car, doesnt mean you should recommend him to anyone inquiring about an audi… for real.

anything with a 4.2 will run into expensive repair bills if you cant do the work yourself as they are notorious for upper oil pan leaks on 03+ 4.2’s(engine removal required) and most older 4.2s from the D2 A8 and the A6’s had oilcooler issues which you can ask germanpsi, or amd is the best about, they did the repair on germanpsi’s moms car… no easy feat. the audi autos arent very great transmission, especially older tiptronics. the DSG gear boxes are great though

2.8 and 3.0 30v V6’s are 75-90k timing belt cars, if you cant do it yourself, thats gonna be ~400+ labor to do

audis love to eat up brakes and wheel bearings.

older audis lke to destroy the front control arms

minor electrical issues here and there, usually related to the climatronic and abs modules.

but like it has been said on here about audis, do REGULAR PREVENTATIVE MAITENANCE AND THE CAR WILL HOLD UP ALOT BETTER. sure things will fail, any car will eventually, but a little bit of love goes along way on these machines.

coolant is ~15$ per gallon for the car
power steering fluid is expensive too, its mineral hydraulic fluid, not the normal pepboys special.
oil is synthetic and most are 6.5+ quarts

id honestly recommend and CPO B7 A4 2.0t… they are pretty powerful(200hp) and take well to a chip/reflash(~500$) and can be had with the 6speed manual, and the ultra sport B7s look awesome