opinion's wanted: $5k to buy car

Alright, this is obviously more of an opinion type of question because you can not tell me what I want. I might sell my car in the spring, in which case I will be looking to buy something else. I have a few requirements, so take those into consideration and tell me what you would buy for $5000 or less.

Has to be:
Manual Transmission
Fun to drive (that should be a given)

Thanks for your opinions, I am completely stumped as to what to get. That’s why I ended up with the saab 900 se-t convertable…

Way too many options out there that will fit that. Need to be more specific.

I think a Jeep Wrangler is fun to drive.

So… yeah.

Old miata?

you could get a pretty sick e30 for that price.






I agree with Howie, an old Miata would be fun for well under $5000.

Shameless plug: Although not compact by any means, 91 SHO with 143K, Southern car, Rust Free, all records from the day it was driven home, 5 speed… looking to get around $3400 for it. With some suspension mods, it would be a LOT of fun to drive and of all the mods available for these cars, suspension is the most abundant.

haha, if you want to be like that…

lets see…

The drivers seat needs to have a cupholder.
It needs to have a backseat
leather would be nice
handles very well stock
the smaller the better
not a money-pit
something not everyone is driving (no civic’s)


There you go.

1991-1996 Infiniti G20

actually, scratch the backseat thing.

E30 325 modded

i must live under a rock, what an E30?

BMW 3 series early 90s.

i’d get a 97 limited edition tbird sport for 2500 tops and spend the rest in gears and converter.

Excellent choice.

Hard to go wrong with a mid 90’s GSR too…

Why do you want to ditch the Saab? I miss mine so much.


I would like to find one of these for myself.

1991-99 Nissan Sentra or 95-98 200SX would work as well

what about a boosted civic hatch?
i think beck is selling his come spring time…or sooner.

I was thinking about a nissan sentra, NX, or 200sx, but I dont really know much at all about them. But they seem to be the types of cars I am looking for. the integra GSR is an awesome idea too. I guess I’ll have to keep up my research and decide which i want most in the spring.