
your unreal haha, have you not delivered pizzas? you know how that operation works… who wants to have a headache… not me atleast. rather work for 8hrs a day and worry about NOTHING when i get home.

get your degree and work off of that


There are so many hoops to jump through to get your liquor license and then you can lose it in the blink of an eye. Its sketchy business to enter as look at all these bars that are getting shut down all the time

Getting into the restaraunt buisness in this area is a terrible idea. If your going to open one up, move… This area is so saturated with more or less the same bullshit you would really need to find a Niche, but that might be tough in this area.

Restaurants around here open and close pretty quickly, it also doesnt help that most of em that open up are italians who think that just because they have some italy in them they can open up someplace and be amazing.

If your eally want to make in the restaurant bizz i really dont think this is the place to do it.

Well I was thinking more of a bar than a restaurant. BUT LISTEEN YOU STUPID FUCKS. I said im looking for something part-time now. NOT OPENING MY OWN SHIT. JESUS yall are dense.

Im gonna show you dense with a kick to the nuts next time I see you

You deff cannot kick that high midget man. You are welcome to try fucker

Well since I have your blessing this will make it that much easier

Quote it for legal purposes

listen to me!!! ive worked in many many resturants and they all suck balls and u work ur tits off. where u are now if ur making decent money stay there bc u dont really do shit!!!

not only that but if u really want to open a resturant, be prepared to lose all other life outside of that work because u will not have one. trust! u have to dedicate 110% of time and money into it and its a huge drain on you.

Get your edjumacation and keep working at your current job until you can follow your CAREER path.

Making lateral moves when it comes to work is retarded.

Which brings me to my next point.

PJB. Unless you have some physical, tangible skills AND a degree (which I don’t think you have [degree] as far as I know) that are in need RIGHT NOW…you are LUCKY that you are finding offers for $11/hr. Be lucky all you do is drive around and deliver shit and make what make (more than $11/hr since you say $11 is not much).

Vertical Career Moves > Lateral Career Moves

Some of you people are thinking the grass is greener on the other side…but guess what? The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Only move when you have a chance to learn something that you will definitely use later on in your career or that will help support your resume and your education.

Switching from retail job to retail job to retail job isn’t going to help you a single bit unless you are moving up the chain of command in the department/store with each move.


When I was a server, I made anywhere from $10/hr to $25/hr in tips +$4.60 an hour.
It CAN be good $, but you’ll work your ass off.

TONS of work!
I’ve had a few positions working in a restaurant, and its tough.
It can be great $, but on the other hand you could also walk out for the night with shit in your pocket.
As far as opening a restaurant, you need to do your HW. I love what I do now, I think we’ve found a great niche business.

what I recommend, is open a pizza joint, and STAY pizza’s.

figure out how to make one bad ass Sicilian pizza, and you will rake in profits. Pizza’s are CHEAP to make. Roughly around $4.00 a 12 cut/medium pizza, and you charge $8+. Every pizza you sell, you double your profit of what your spending to make them.

LOL^ Sounds easy right? not at all.
CRAZY hours for a pizza place, + you’ll work like a dog.
Very few pizza places are lucrative.

suck cocks!

Strip joint, juice bar style

I know this. Been doing it for 6 years.

no matter what he does in this business, its hard. Cut corners, you lose it all. Work your ass off, it will pay you back.

Getting a permit a for strip club is near impossible in a location that would be lucrative.

lol true, it’s the thought that counts

Ive worked as a bus boy at verdiles in lansingburgh and growing up one of my best friends dad had many pizza/italian restaurants. If you are serious about opening one up, you need to be able to do everything as well as willing to do anything; not that im doubting your work ethic. If I were you, I would get a job as a prep chef or something and work my way up. You absolutely have to know how to cook otherwise chefs can fuck with you.