
try to scoop an internship related to what you want to do. work your connections

other than that, if you’re making money doing nothing, why fuck around?

Haha I know. I was just bored and wanted to make a thread and watch as haters cry about being stupid and unambitous losers who refuse to think about making real $$$$$ and rather be boring and work a cushy 9 to 5 making 35k a year. Suck my balls. Sleep when you’re dead


Haha nothing against you Kev. I <3 ya. Just saying I hate seeing people like Paul saying how he hates his 11 an hour job but will prolly stay there forever.

It is much much more difficult to become wealthy working for someone else than it is for yourself. I will look forward to the opening of Stallmer’s Tossed Salads.

Worddd… I hear that. Thats why I wanna become a police officer, never know whats gonna happen. Fuck, you could even be lucky enough to get shot at.

Rofl thanks Lance!!!

I wanna git me aw shrimpin boat.

I’m on a boat mafucker

[quote=SSmokinn SS;727880]no but seriously, the restaurant business is VERY hard to actually make money.

thats so wrong its not even funny… Restaurants make LOOOTTTTT. Only thing is that they SUCK! you will always have problems with health codes, employees, complaints and all your time is sucked into it, not to mention overhead is RETAARDDDEEDDDD. Best restaurant to open with minimal cash flow or problems would be a 2-3 employee pizzaria. You can make an EAASSYY $500 a day for your pocket AFTER expenses… And taxes arent shit cuz no one knows how much doe your sellin… lol, get it, doe?? hahahaha ok ill stop. Nah but pizzarias are a great business.

Not sure if you’d be into it but what about the albany pump station? Maybe you could learn the ins and outs of brewing and run with that to start your own business. Plus my wife works there part time on weekends and pulls in some great money for how few hours she puts in there

YES! Great idea dude. I’ll look into it!

Topless pizza place. Thats always been something Ive wanted to open/run around here. Theres none of those in the area.

11 dollars an hour is not 35k a year. you should feel blessed getting a job out of college with that pay in this bullshit economy.

Yeah, I make more than $11 an hour and less than $30k a year.

You should be happy. If you want more money, get ready to bust your ass either physically or mentally. Or both. I make considerably more than you, but I go home sometimes with my mind in complete shambles due to the amount of work or amount of random tech BS I had to deal with that day. And I go to school at night.

Driving around delivering shit for more than $11/hr is highway robbery if you ask me unless you are driving a big rig or a big moving truck or something (which makes the job 100x harder and is worthy of the high pay). But if you are in a cargo van, a pickup truck, or a car…you should be thanking Baby Jesus (in a tuxedo t-shirt? :lol) in 3 days for your job. :rofl

I don’t normally harp on you PJB, but you have no room for complaining from the looks of it. Like Paul Walker said, be happy you have your job for the pay you have in this economy. Many people have it much much worse.

That’s the bottom line.

Dude I bust my ass at work. Its not just sitting in the truck all day. I drive a decent sized box truck (17’?) and I have to load and unload bins of linen everyday and go up and down stairs with it all the time, stacks of clean linen and bags of dirty linen.
Theyre not light even though people seem to think tablecloths and napkins are weightless.

I also have to work in all kinds of weather, just like a mailman. Theres days when I get soaked to my skin when its raining and wet out, Ive gotta deal with snow and unshoveled entrances and shit like that.

Its not the hardest job around but Im not just sitting in a truck playing with my dick all day.

Matt, I’m going to contact you lAter in regards to this topic. I’m in the same sinking ship as you.

no offense bud but this is kinda a low blow towards PJB. hes a good dude, works hard and as from what i can see loves life to the best he can right now. he enjoys cars, the gym and works his ass off. times are tough these days and as i said before, stay where u are until u finish school. its stupid not to.

pizza places are a dime a dozen, resturants are as well. i have some great ideas for some potentially great biz around here but im certainly not shareing shit with u all! haha. ideas for a biz i want to open and will in the future. stay tooned! :thumbup

o stip joints, aint happening so dont bother. albany pump station sucks ass too. been there twice and both times had to talk to the manager bc the food didnt come out for over an hour and it wasnt that busy! fuck that place! food was so so too. :Idiots

u have two options

  1. join the military

  2. spend all ur savings (what your grandparents give you) on coke and watse ur life away.

either way i support you :hug