
hey baller, stop bragging about how big your wallet is and leave PJB out of this. if and when he decides to move on, he will. hes a big boy. :Idiots

Has nothing to do with how much I make or the job I have. I was just making a point. I could have replace “I” with “For example, the IT field”. :lol

PJB has been saying he hates his job and wants something new for months now. Either go back to school and better yourself so you can get a higher paying, less demanding job or do work like he does now (for which he could be working MUCH harder for $15/hr or whatever it is he makes).

All I’m saying is he should be thankful he has the job he has. Especially in this economy.

This doesn’t apply to JUST PJB though. This goes for pretty much anyone in this thread who doesn’t want to work at bettering their resume via school or training but yet wants a nice high-paying job or a better job from what they have now. There are many members here in their early 20’s or even late teens who this can apply to. In this economy, you have to either go to school or somehow otherwise get a leg up on the competition. The 2yr degree is quickly becoming the new high school diploma. It doesn’t cut it anymore many times.

Sorry for single’ing you out PJB.

yea but not everyone can drop everything and go to school. school is money and time. two things not everyone has.

everyone stop complaining. shit Sean and Adam didnt have a job for like over a year and they made by somehow and rarely ever herd them complain if at all.

PJB if u want to better yourself, look into truch driving, like an 18 wheeler. maybe something u could shoot towards.

matt, finish school and go from there. save as much as u can if u really want to open a food service of some sort because its going to be $$$

Yeah, I agree. But some of us are currently doing it, so it’s not totally out of the realm of ‘possibility’ if you will if you really want to do it. There is many ways to get it done. People shouldn’t go into things saying they won’t do it because of some reason. School is important these days (although, I do believe school is also over-rated in some disciplines and is primarily a business. But unfortunately, it’s the only way to advance sometimes). I work 8:30-4:30 and go to school 2 nights a week from 5:30-8:30. When I was getting my 2yr degree, I was going to school from 5-9 and working the same hours and back then I was an intern so I was working 40hrs a week for no benefits, no holiday pay, and no tuition reimbursement.

It’s a tough choice to make and takes a lot of work/patience…but it can be done.

I recommend people shoot for it.

no of coarse it can be done. shit if i want to go back i get it all paid for and i also get time off of work to go, and i still get full pay. talk about the tits right? but do i go? nope! i have other priorities right now and honestly i hate school. haha. i take that back, i love learning and i take usually 80 hrs of training a year here as it is. so fuck, im good for now haha

Agree with DB,

Ilya some companies really put some value on the early morning riser and his ability to actually show up day after day. That has value. He is worth that all day. They should probably thank baby J in 3 days to have him just as well.



At least I work and pay into it as well though :shifty

Yeah, I hate school too.

I’m sure there is a relationship there and I’m sure his job isn’t easy peasy, but for the money he makes now it would be tough to find a better/easier job without a lot of other things being involved (higher education, etc.)

That’s all I’m saying. I’m not saying he’s not worth his hourly salary, or what not.

In fact, I wasn’t trying to single PJB out. I just used him as an example. I apologize for that if it offended him, etc.

BOTTOM LINE = Go to school if you want the highest chance of working easy for good money. Some people can do it without school, but most of us need school. It’s as simple as that.


perfect ex. my gf works for a gym and works the 4-9am shift. she has to be there everyday no matter what and it sucks but they value her a lot.

wut gym? My ex gf works a 10pm-6am shift at pf

Part of the reason Ive stayed at my job is job security. Right now I feel pretty secure there since I can practically do anything Im needed to do there and my boss seems to value me as an employee, even though it wouldnt hurt for him to give me a raise.

Another reason is that since I get alot of overtime I get a bigger check than I would even if I made a few bucks more an hour at another job. Yeah, it really sucks working such long days sometimes but it also helps pay the bills.

Ive been to college and have 2 degrees. I went for automotive mechanical repair and autobody repair. I did both for a few years but got burned out on it and decided I dont want to work on cars anymore. I wish I had gone to college for something different but I didnt and I cant change the past.

I dont have the time, money or desire to go back to college.

Ive thought about getting a CDL but then had second thoughts. Im no good with trailers (not even my 4x8) and my depth perception isnt all that great. It also costs quite a bit of money just to take the test- $800 was what a friend paid for the class B test.

Id like to think I could be good at something other than just driving/making deliveries.

Go for something that involves sitting behind a desk? Dispatcher or something?

Im not sure what I want to do.