

i cruise at that height. and yes its a bit of a hassle.

colored brakes = rice?
maybe if there stock calipers, but anyone who paints/powdercoats Z32 calipers, its not rice. although black calipers are sweet, how about red. always looks gorgeous…
i hate when people criticize others when they have good parts… example:

a baby blue civic, lambo doors, decals. and a GSR boosted.
i dont call it rice…

get what im saying?

and the car looks great, gold/bronze rims would look awesome…
along with some O.E aero and a bit more of a drop…

no pun intended Theo :wink:

Where can a get myself a set of those nice Calipers?

those are z32…

r32 skyline will be identical also…

If you want to go with wider tires,get some rear wide body fenders they range from 20mm to 50mm, so your wheels will be flush and it looks awsome.

if it was me and i was in your position

i would buy 4 more different wheels for spares

get 20mm spacers and roll and pull the fenders to fit the new wheels

buy a 2way diff

buy a nice 1 position drivers seat

buy a nice steering wheel

buy a lot of spare rubber

buy a lot of adjustable arms

slam so they are actually flush, not the sand in my pussy flush S.O.N. users think is flush

rock out like its 1999 and nobody else drifts.

and if anyone is curious… im still working on the first thing i mentioned…

but i think my ambitions are different than everyone elses

its beacuase an sr20 pulls a premium before race wars!

colored brakes = rice?
maybe if there stock calipers, but anyone who paints/powdercoats Z32 calipers, its not rice. although black calipers are sweet, how about red. always looks gorgeous…
i hate when people criticize others when they have good parts… example:

a baby blue civic, lambo doors, decals. and a GSR boosted.
i dont call it rice…

no pun intended Theo :wink:[/quote]

I do think it is rice, the colored brakes and the blue civic.

He was asking for opinions, that is my opinion and you have yours, doesn’t make you more right than me or you more right than me… heh

anyways, everyone is different, that is a good thing.


I guess your right. your rice taste different than mine.

jesse is pretty dead on…

your car looks wack john-boy…

you need some zipties and some battle scuurrrs, or ‘character’ as jesse puts it.

no doubt your car will be sick, but it still looks like a rookie.

i couldnt agree with you more bing - it’s completely rookie at the moment… as am I.

bare with me guys… this is gonna be my first season with a sports car :slight_smile:

… I guess I had this thing last season but it was slow and loose… Like Gonad. (or something) ;]

i’ll be honest - I’m not too enthusiastic about drifting in particular. I wouldn’t really know any better because I’ve never been to a track (yet) but I’m almost certain I’m gonna be more of a time attach slut than anything.

But hey, different strokes for different folks… right? On a brighter note - The tires I have on there right now are ASS (Hankook HRII) so I need to burn them out somehow… maybe bing and jesse can show me a thing or two next season ;] ;]

Car looks good man, just match up the front signals, one way or the other!

And um…

it’s “bear”… :stuck_out_tongue: The other spelling just doesn’t sound right lol…

Ya jon just lower the front a little and get some adjustable linkage and you are pretty good,

Jessy made some good suggestions, but if you are not going Drifto baller max then there is no point going that far.

you drive a lot daly and are a grip guy. Just keep it looking nice and handeling well.

… well if thats the case at least put koukis on yours so I have something pretty to look at :-/

Order em up…

although I might need that money to keep my bumper in ahead of yours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

likely… bitch.

thanks… but what inspired you to make that correction when there are people “hare hoo spell liek thees” ?

a single word in a post of mine made after midnight on a weekday (late for me) should be the least of your concerns… although i do admit I typed “bear” … thought about it for a sec… figured it was wrong and changed it to “bare” :slight_smile:

btw john, it’s actually spelled “bair”. Anyways if you want me to teach you how to burn off those tires, let me know, i have some spare gasoline in my garage.

i can’t wait to see your car this season. :), remember… it’s not about making people like your car, it’s about you liking your own car, of course it’s good to ask for opinions though.

i’m pretty sure its spelled “baer”, or “baar” not “bair”, “bear”, or “bare”

behr, this thread now sucks

I agree, sorry :frowning:

Feel free to lock it. I got what I needed which was lots of good suggestions as to where to go with this thing.

dont apologize for marky’s stupidity!
