A Scion Xb. My wife has wanted one since she first saw them in '03. The Cruiser turned 5 YO in december. We had planned on getting a new car in 06. WHat we hadn’t planned on doing was keeping the cruiser when we did. Well, there is NO WAY i am trading in my PT to some shark dealer, and getting some pittance for ir. My PT has been the most reliable car i have ever owned. It has given me 5+ trouble free years, and has been paid off for several years now. I got a 7/75 warranty when i bought it, so its still covered. So i am keeping it. I may offer it to my son later this year(NOT free…LOL), but i havent decided yet.
As to the Xb, we ordered an Onyx Blue 5 speed. They are so well equipped, that the only things we are adding are a blue shifter knob, rear bumper pad, and floor mats($120 for floor mats, what a rip) 8* . Really don’t know how long it will take to get it. I am not in a huge hurry, i would prefer to get it after spring arrives. Right now my garage space is being taken up by our 69 SAAB and 85 Scirocco.
We were fortunate that the dealer we went to had a 5 speed in stock(not the color we wanted), so we were able to test drive one. The 5 speed is a nice unit. Decent power, a nice tight shifter, great clutch feel, progressive takeup, a real joy to row through the gears. Saving $800 doesnt hurt either. Bottom line with tax and everything is around $15,800. Figure on adding an extended warranty for another 7-800.
I know the styling polarizes people(just as my PT did when i first got it). My wife loves it, and i kind of like it myself. Hopefully it will be a good car.
if you cruise faster than 65-70 mph on the highway prepare to get not so great gas mileage with the xb
Most of her driving is 55 and under. Why is the mileage bad at higher speeds? Is it the gearing, or is the fact that it has the aerodynamics of a cinder block? :hahano:
XB stands for xtra boxy
I hate the looks but it’s a Toyota so you have to love it for how well it’s built.
haha… cinder block for sure!
cant beat the price though…
The aerodynamics really can make a difference, among other things. My PT is a 2.4L 5 speed, weighs in around 3100#, and gets 22-24MPG. It also has the aerodynamics of a cinder block. My Stratus has a 2.7L V6(200 HP), also weighs around 3100#, has an automatic trans, and gets 25-28MPG. :dunno:
aerodynamics of a toaster
is that one that looks ilke a microwave
anything that cooks food can be used to describe it
Those things are good looking, I dont care what anyone says…
I would not buy one though :booty:
No, a cinder block
Read my post dammit! :spank:
Thats sad, my old 174,xxx mile cam and modded 5.0 ( 302 ) got 21-23 Mpg
WOT every chance or granny driving
My mustang was a brick in the wind also
/ Mopar :kekegay:
Yea the PT is a gas pig for a 4 banger. It is pretty heavy though. I think that my 2.7 does good though…straight highway driving i get 31-32, and it has decent power at 200HP.
i like the xb better then PT’s
i’m not a fan of the bare bones ones with hubcaps, but i think thye look nice lowered on some nice wheels.
& its a good deal …those loaded cars by scion, suzuki, etc… that are mad cheap are hard to turn down.
not sure about gas milage but be carful when its windy…my wifes aerioSX gets blow around really easy & i’m sure the xb is just as flat & tall on the side.
not that your gonna mod it, but the Blitz xb is pretty slick.
I am already looking for wheels for it…i will use the steelies and hubcaps for snow tires. we will mod the Xb somewhat…my wife likes to ‘personalize’ what she drives(it’s fun being married to a semi car enthusiast). For christmas, she asked me for undercar neons for her 69 SAAB 96…
Better hope she doesnt rearend someone or get rearended… it’ll go from box to slinky in a split second.