If you want to learn a little about history then you should look into the system of checks and balances our forefathers actually setup. They infact did not have complete faith in the peoples ability to choose the right path for the nation. Thats why they setup the different systems of elected officials that make national and state policy and enforce the laws. That power is checked by the peoples’ right as a whole to elect who they want to represent (or lead) them. I’m sorry but your just making a fool of yourself. Do I believe absolutely that they killed Osama no, but I’m 99% sure they did. No matter what proof they could have or will provide there will always be crack pots saying it’s all fake and he’s alive in a cave somewhere humping a camel as we speak. If everybody was completely free to do whatever they wanted we would have total and utter chaos and nothing would ever be accomplished. If I was bigger and stronger or better armed then you I could just come and take whatever of your that I pleased. So is that the kind of society you would really want to live in?