Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

wow i agree. but usa is all about destroying then rebuilding becasue theres money involved. some things you said i dont agree but main thing i do. we have people without jobs meanwhile osamaobama makes overseas jobs wtf. minorities have more power than real americans wtf is this country becoming. if some illegal alien comes to america and hurts himself or contracts some illness we must fix them with tax payers money. illegals kill americans everyday. they steal everyday. and if we catch them we pay everyday for them to be in jail. see its a win win for big wigs.

another thing is minorities get affermitive action so they go ahead of you in job fairs/ applying for loans/ govt grants/ and theres more the whole reason for affermative action imo is to make the people more dumb. because how does a forighner know exactly whats wrong? he doesnt he just think usa is better than where he was. and most of the time it is. but i thinlk we shouldnt treat them better than citizens.never i like new people but not if they go ahead of american people that are already here. only in america will the govt treat immagrant better than citizens. it makes me upset people acknoledge this and do nothing about it. complain to officals and elected. we must stop this. we must care for people we already have we cant keep taking in more needy people. and the fact tax payers money pays for these immigrants no matter what if they abuse system $$ still comes out if they apply for a job even tho you are more than qualified for possition employer always says we need a more diverse work force sorry. i will only hire americans even if the illegal at home depot will work for cheaper. help local economy and get pissed when you tax money heals some alien with aids who killed and raped. wtf?