Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

The problem is cutting them if will hurt us as well not just them, also another problem with Americans is the fact people think we should dissown Pakistan because thats where he was hiding, but nobody looks at it from their perspective. In the middle east if you get caught stealing they cut your hand off, get caught again and they cut your head off. So now what do you think would happen if someone was caught ratting out where bin Laden was hiding? In the middle east they fear Al Queda because they have to put up with that group everyday of their lives. Its not that people were hiding him they just live in fear of saying anything.

But Americans are convinced they know everything when in reality we don’t and we have it damn good compared to them.

If you rat someone out in the US you might catch an ass whooping. (on some gang related things it may be different but not for the most part)